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This is just to let you know what, if anything is new with us.

  • 1/27/01 I know it has been forever since I have written in this. Yes, I am a slacker. This site kinda suffers since it is the personal one. But I am bored so I might add some stuff here and there, just to be a little creative. Well let's see..what has been going on. Not too much. I have been hanging out with my friend Eli a bit, because we are like the only 2 in our group that aren't dating anyone. So we are "pretend dates" haha..but at least we don't LOOK lonely. Not that I really am..I lke being single! My birthday is coming up in a few weeks..yikes, I will be 24!! geez time flys, I don't feel a day over 18. Karen, Yvette, Steve, and I are going to the Phantom Planet/Kara's Flowers/Rooney/Fairview show next friday. That will be the highlight of the past couple of weeks. Today kinda sucks and I know tommarow will suck at work, because of the superbowl..ugh..I am gonna turn in early just to be ready for the chaos!
  • 1/1/01 Well what do ya know it is the new year and I am sick! I still fun last night even if I was coming down with a cold. We went to Yvette's, it wasn't like a big party or anything, it was just fun hanging out and toasting the new year. I am not sure if I am really gonna make resolutions or not. Simply because I can't stick to them for the life of me. I guess I just want to have a good year. I got an astological reading and I guess I have some sign of direction that will be pointed out to me soon. I dunno if that is true or not, but it would be rather nice. Karen and I are excited about the Phantom Planet fan club show and after party. Kristin and Yvette are going with us, so I think it will be a good long as I start feeling better. ~Jodi~
  • 12/11/00 Hi it is Jodi.. Our Mom went in for her surgery..well actually a dnc and biopsy. It is safe to say it was painful for her, but she is healing rather well. We find out the results on the 21st, so right around Christmas..Which sucks because the holidays are stressful enough..But we are hoping and praying for the best, a Christmas miracle if you will. Things have been going pretty good though, Karen and I got some shopping done. I went out with some friends the other night and played pool, danced, and had a great time. People must have thought we were drunk even though nobody really drank much. We were just extremely hyper. But I think it was mainly a night to just let off some steam, everybody seemed to need it. I think that is all I have to say for now..later
  • 12/04/00- Hello, all, it is I, Karen, yet again. Well, let's see, things have been really stressful lately: my mom is going in for surgery on wednesday, and it is finals week in school. I feel distracted because I can't be with my mom right now. The famiy is taking it well, but I think it is all hitting us now that it is approaching. I don't know, I try to be optimistic, but there is always the possibility of something being wrong. Its so frustrating, I know I need to be strong for the rest of the family though. Well, I need to get back to studying now; I have 2 finals tomorrow, so I better get with it!!
  • 11/29/00- This is Karen. Right now, I'm sitting in the foreign language lab, bored out of my mind!! I've been in here for almost 4 hours. Well, not much to really talk about. The Glasshouse show was soooo much fun...all good people played. Pete Yorn is good, I can't wait for his cd to come out in february. Kara's Flowers are just so amazing, no words can describe them. And of course, Phantom Planet is awesome. I went to the show despite having a wretched case of food poisoning the day before. That was a horrible day. I woke up at 7 in the morning, extremely sick. I had a midterm at 10, so I had to get up and go to class...I felt like the frickin' Exorcist, as much as I threw up! But going to the show was worth it...I'll just never eat chicken tenders again in my life!!
  • 11/12/00 IT IS GOOD TO BE BACK! Yes, it is comp was broken and now it is doing much better. Even if the people who worked on it took the sweet time! much has been going on, I dunno where I should start..hmm let's see...The Phantom Planet show at Canter's was a lot of fun..when we first got there we didn't know where to go and these guys asked us. Of course we were all blankly looking at each other for an answer, when Sam walked by and saved the day..we asked him, basically he led and we all followed. Then we get in there, all of the booths were taken..Karen gets the end of a booth and I am left standing..Sam saves the day once again by giving me a chair..(this is what keeps me coming back to see Phantom Planet folks!) As the show goes on the crowd grows in this teeny tiny venue, so we end up sitting on top of the booth, just to be able to see. Oddly enough Talia Shire (Jason's mom) was sitting next to me..I thought, cool,she looks pretty much like she did in the Rocky movies..She couln't see Jason (niether could we) so she kept leaning forward, but not much luck..she talked to me a bit and told me "I am Jason the drummers Mom" I wanted to say "yeah I know!=)"..but instead I played it cool and said, "I thought so;)anyway she made a few more random comments and what not, I just thought it was awesome that she was there being the supportive mother and all. We saw Monique there which was cool, she is always so sweet and a lot of fun to talk to....Then there was Halloween. My costume was finished at the last minute, but it turned out soooo good. Amanda and I headed out to San Berdo to hang with Karen, Kristin, and Yvette. We all took Yvette's little sis trick or treatin..we all dressed up (*fyi-Karen was Brittney Spears on crack-ya gotta love it*)We all ended up getting some candy of our own..pretty bad, huh..for the record I only had 3 pieces!.......Then as Karen said, we saw DogStar...damn Keanu is beautiful, I hate to sound like a teeny bopper or a groupie.....but what I wouldn't give!!!!! j/k..sorry I got a little carried away!..Then tonight I did something I thought I would never do. I saw the Exorcist. My friend Eric made me go..and it scared the bejesus out of me. At the moment I am writing this journal and drinking a glass of wine hoping to calm down enough to sleep..(so please pardon the typos)..Tomarrow I am supposed to see Little Nicky with Eli..does anyone else see a pattern here? I am a popular girl lately j/k..Oh yeah and I think everybody should see Charlie's Angles, it made me laugh, cheer, and want to learn some form of martial arts! Anyway I have rambled on way too much, so I will leave for now..(yeah like anyone reads this..hopefully someone does though)
  • 11/7/00 Karen again, making another entry. I know I must be bored or something, maybe I just feel like rambling on...I'm not really sure. Well, let's see...what is new...Jodi still hasn't gotten her computer sux not being able to talk to her. Well I talked to her on the phone earlier, but just for a little while. Hmm...oh yeah, this weekend Jodi, Kristin(my rommate), and I went and saw Keanu Reeves' band, Dogstar. It was fun, and the band was actually okay. The opening band Bottlefly was awesome....I bought their CD and got it signed as well as a poster. We didn't get back to the dorms until 2:30 a.m. then Kristin and I had to get up at 7 a.m. to go to the Museum of Tolerance for our mentoring jobs. Talk about being tired!! I'm glad I went though, the Museum is absolutely amazing...I highly recommend going if anyone ever gets the chance.
  • 11/2/00 This is Karen making my first journal entry..hehe I'm not too good at keeping up on stuff. I've been extremely busy this week, not only did I have more midterms, I got sick, and my 2nd job was keeping me very occupied. So I've been pretty much stressing out. I have more tests next week too...yea!! I wonder if anyone even reads these entries. Yesterday was strange, Jennifer and I were walking into the Coyote Cafe to get some greasy/fattening food, and some guy who works there (whom by the way I had never ever seen there before)walked by us and looked at us and mumbled something along the lines of "I'm getting it right now!!" It was odd. Then we noticed he was wearing these big rubber boots over his jeans; he looked the killer in "I Know What You Did Last Summer". If I had a dollar for everytime a strange person has talked to me, I'd be so freakin' rich!! I should post some of my stories of the odd encounters that I have would be pretty funny for people to read. That, and my weird/scary dreams...hmmm I should do that.
  • 10/20/00 Well today has gone by so fast. It is my day off and I have been busy cleaning and working on my Halloween costume; unfortunatly I messed it up a bit..hope I can fix it. I went with Karen, Kristin, Yvette, and Jennifer-on Monday to see Phantom Planet at the Roxy..we all had a great time..I need to write a review for it..That pretty much was the highlight of my week..other than that I have actually been going to the gym with Kinu. We are determined to stick with it! haha at least we hope. But it is cool hanging out with her again, because we haven't in a long time. She is one of my very few friends around here that isn't completely screwed up. It is fun to talk to someone that isn't terminaly depressed for a change. I know that sounds awful. but I have some of the most dramatic friends. I love them, but it can take a lot out of you listening to their problems..and they don't really listen to yours or your advice. But then again I don't like to talk about my problems all that much. I don't like getting sympathy or coming off as a weak person. I have always been a better listener than talker. I should get paid for this! I am an amatuer shrink..
  • 10/11/00 Well another day has gone by and nothing too important has happened. I worked, it was a slooooowww day because it is all cloudy and cool..people around here are funny like that, it takes the a couple of day of cool weather before they go out. Maybe it is due to the fact most of this town is old people. I am excited that I am going to the Phantom Planet concert next week. Five of us are going all together..A girls night out..Hollywood Watch Out! We are't bad..just a bit silly. I am supposed to out with some of the girls from work sometime..who knows when though, Wendy is a blast to go out with..but she can be a bit flaky. Geneva, Tandi, and I are always ready..if we go we will probably get buzzed and sing kareoke (sorry I can't spell)..Oh the crazy nights I have spent with those girls and the things we have done..what fun we have had!
  • 10/2/00 I am watching the Box music channel..some band of cute punk looking boys is on-funny they don't sound very punk..nor very good, but I keep looking at them. I guess teen angst and rebellion still facinate me. Ok back to my journal writing. I know I am not very good at keeping up with this. I went to my friend Amanda's Mom's wedding this weekend. It was a lot of fun, her Mom seemed so happy. She has had a lot of hardtimes, so she deserves the happiness. But we did a lot of running around those two days. Then yesterday it was back to work..I got a promotion I am now Sr. Manager and I got moved to the busiest store. So I have been on my toes quite a bit more as well as dealing with my employee's problems. So far it has gone rather smoothly though. I also helped Amanda move, so I am pretty sore today. I am looking forward to tomarrow, a day off..really real running around that I have to do, Thank God! =)
  • 9/27/00 What a crazy 2 weeks this has been..I have worked A LOT! Too much actually, I haven't had a day off in 11 days, so I am a bit cranky. One of my good friends got arrested to driving around her wanted felon of a if you ever date somebody with warrants out for them, don't get caught with them--because you are in trouble too. I feel really bad for her and wish there was something I could do, but she got herslef into this she has to suffer the consequenses of her bad judgement. I have been trying to go out though when I am not working. My friend Geneva just turned 21 so it has been fun going out with her, it has been a bit a a break from everything. Althought we have gotten hit on by some funky guys. So then we make up funny stories about where we are from and stuff, I know it is bad..but it is just fun to make up some wacko story in order to blow the guy off. If someone decent would hit on us, it would be a different story. Well that is about all for now..*Jodi*
  • 9/12/00 I have been slacking on this journal thing, but I will get with it eventually..maybe once I get my life on track. Right now I am concentrating on get things here and there, while trying to save $$ to get my own apartment. I just need a change of pace. And it is about time. Something in my life needs to change, and I think that this would be the best. I am just gonna start buying when I do move, I have most of what I need..I have a night stand and coffee table that my older sister Heather gave me..they need to be sanded and either painted or stained..I have some cool ideas..~jodi~
  • 9/9/00 Well today we were sooooo busy at work..I thought is was never gonna stop. Although everbody that I work with seemed to call me with some sort of little drama..I ended up having a good day. My friend Jenn was in town for just a little while, so Karen and I had coffee with her after work. It was great to see her, she is such a great person and just radiates it whenever you see her. It is cool, she can always make me laugh and not worry so much about my problems. Her visit was short, but I am so glad I got to see her. I have to go back to work tonight, which sucks, because I got invited to be on the guest list a a club in Hollywood, and to go to a show in Santa Ana. Too bad I couldn't be in 3 places at once, huh.. Oh well I am gonna go see Travis and Remy Zero in October..and probably Kara's Flowers too..Jenn invited us to a show that a friend of hers in playing the Whiskey in a few weeks..too bad I forgot to ask what the band is called..I just need top get out of town for awhile!! =)Oh well, I'll find out. I better go for now..~jodi~
  • 9/6/00 When do people finally grow up? The average age of the people I work with is about 20-21, and since I am the manager they all run and tattle on each other to me. For the most part most of it is unimportant, usually just personality conflicts.But it is drving me insane..Is it so hard to just pretend to get along, for a few hours? I worked with my X-boyfriend, after a bitter break-up. Yeah, I admit there were times sucker punching him would have made my day..but I kept my dignity and tried to be rather mature about the situation. I guess I just needed to vent a bit. I don't understand people in general..If I don't have employees bitching at me, I have customers who get crazy mad over the littlest things..I am an easygoing person, so I don't really get mad all that easiy..irritated maybe, but angry - rarely..That is about it for today. ~jodi~
  • 9/5/00 Well today Karen and I went shopping, she had to get a few last minute things for her dorm room. We had lunch and what not, it was fun. It was a day off yet again so was good..I got some rest, made a necklace, and helped Karen with her scrapbook. Yeah, I know it isn't very exciting, but I had fun. Yesterday I ran into my friend Clayton, I guess I am going to "The King of the Cage", fighting thing at the Casino in our town. I have never been to anything like it, so this should be interesting..My friend Eric was supposed to enter one, luckily we all talked him out of it..I heard it is pretty brutal. But I guess I am just curious to see what really goes on at one. I dunno I haven't done much lately, things have been on the dull side. Karen and I went to our friend Mitch's little brothers hockey game. It was pretty fun. Our friend Mitch, who is one of the greatest people in the world, anyway he is Morman and went away on his mission (which sucks)..He has been gone a year and has another year to go, so needless to say I miss him. It was great to see his family. Well thats enough for now..~jodi~
  • 9/1/00 Well today I didn't have to work!!!!!!I love days off! Other than that I got two cool emails..(that never happens)One was from one of the guys from Big Bad Voodoo Daddy and the other was a return interview from Darren from Phantom Planet. That was my excitement for the day. Yes I know my life is pathetic! Oh well, the little things amuse me..gotta go..~jodi~
  • 8/27/00 Well this is a new section for us, I guess we can write whatever we want here. Let's see..hmm..Well we have both been working a lot lately and our Mom has been having health problems, so the combo of the two has been a bit overwhelming and stressful. But life in general has treated me, as well as Karen, pretty good. Although it was weird that the other day, I ran into 2 x-boyfriends in one day. Both of which I dumped. Only one I sorta regret, though (he is such a nice guy..why was I so stupid??)I think I might have a problem with commentment. It is scary to think that a majority of my friends are married or have kids, or even both..and I am so far from any of that. I can't even balance my job and school. I dunno~my advice to the world is don't get old..the older I get the more confussed and frustrated I become. I thought it yould get easier; guess I was wrong.~Jodi~