The Bits Page

We all have those bits in Les Mis that we love, we hate. Those performers we adore and those we don't. Those recordings that we listen to daily and those we can't stand! Well that's what this page is for!!

Here you will find examples of these things. This is only the beginning so do send me your own suggestions. You DO NOT need to send me a sound clip, once I know the bit you're talking about - I'll make the clip myself!! Anyway, here are a few examples to get you started...

1) "There's a boy climbing the barricade..." - shivers up the spine everytime, because we all know what happens next!!

2) "Eponine what's wrong..." - has the same effect!

3) "'Parnasse what are you doing..." - this once got in my head for days. Especially the whole "You remember he's the one that got away the other day" bit!

4) The opening of "Do You Hear The People Sing?" from the TAC - the very loud breath that Michael Maguire takes at the beginning really gets on my nerves!

5) CSR version of "Red and Black" - this excerpt always reduces me to a quivering heap on the floor!

6) TAC version of "Red and Black" - Michael Maguire again, this time he has problems with the higher notes and this again annoys me greatly!

7) CSR version "Red and Black" - especially when you compare it to the wonderful Anthony Warlow's version!

8) "The Robbery" (CSR) - another bit that Gary Morris actually does quite well!!

9) "The Epilogue" (TAC) - a new entry suggested by many of you. This always, without fail, manages to give us goosebumps no matter how many hundreds of times we've heard it!! I've chosen the TAC version, not for any particular reason as all the recordings have the same effect!!

Hopefully these will have got your cogs turning so email me your suggestions!!!!