Colm Wilkinson

In 1985, Colm Wilkinson took to the stage as Jean Valjean and, in my opinion, has not yet been bettered!

Music was always going to be a part of Colm's life, talent was encouraged in his family and it was no surprise when he started playing with bands around Dublin in the early sixties. It was in Dublin in 1972 that he was offered his first chance to break onto the musical stage. He was offered the role of Judas in "Jesus Christ Superstar" and wasn't that interested at first but he gave it a go anyway. The show was a commercial and artistic success and Colm was one of the brightest stars. He had taken his first steps on what is destined to be one of the great careers of the modern musical stage. After six months in Dublin, he was tapped to reprise his role in London's West End production where he contiued for another 2 1/2 years. To be continued...

For more information on Colm Wilkinson try this web site...COLM WILKINSON