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As days pass by, this love that we share so open seems to go higher and higher. We have crossed many miles between us. Torn down many walls, have not yet to touch one another in real life!! To love him is the best thing that has ever happen to me. For this LOVE is SO PURE!! To bloom with love, it takes the power of two. LOVE is LOVE!! I am his forever and for the even after!!


We all start out as a young child, not knowing which way our life will go! How we are created is up to our parents from the beginning. As even then it takes two to make a human, whether perfect or not! The roots of our foundation is formed of who we MIGHT be! Then as a teenager, we look to our friends with green eyes, or taunt them with what we have. Society takes hold of our character. Some hide within themselves and some are BOLD! Then as adults, we have to face many trials of life, as we depend on our foundation and strength! The sad part is that some have none and others have it all! When you are blessed, you find that special love in life that builds you stronger than anything! Taking the flower bloom and bursting it open with pure natural highs! The growth reaches towards the light, the warmth caresses the tips of the petals and the amount of nurturing comes from the care taker. To make a flower so full and so beautiful no matter what the shape, size or colour! The essence of the bloom is captured in one's eyes! The taste and the smell of the bloom lingers out in amongst the winds. Enticing the lover of that particular bloom. Once chosen to pick the bloom, you then become responsible for the care!

Love Breaths: I have bound my roots to yours and they have entangled within the deepest tap roots. Show me your colours!!! Shelter me under the shade of your branches! Feed me the sweet nector, that drips from your petals! Grow in the sunshine of love with me! Let's smell sweet success together! As we become the one lasting bloom forever! Bound so tightly at our roots, that no one can ever or will dig up or seperate! MATURE WITH ME!!

"So the answers you seek are hidden within your heart yet you confuse yourself with raging thoughts from the mind! Follow the heart as the heart is life."
( Anthony S. - 26th August 1998 )

"To love life is to dream it the way your imagination sees it. Dreams come true if you are willing to believe!"
( Anthony S. - 12th August 1998 )

"But advice helps the solution when lost in confusion!"
( Anthony S. - September 1998 )

" The tides tumble in caressing ocean shores, Shifting sands, creating a new image for the birth of a new life. As everyone now living experiences the birth of life upon themselves When we find that rose with perfumes of erotica; the scent of LOVE. An experience we find as we step through the waves of time But a beauty when you feel that it is PURE LOVE. That feeling of silk, the sight of a rainbow, the taste of honey and the scent a rose."
( Anthony S. - 12th November 1998 )

My love goes to the UNKNOWN POET.....for whom my heart calls.... home is in those unspoken words,,,,on my ears they fall...... who he or she that speaks to the wind....... who can they be,,,with out this time called friend....
( Snowy W. - 11/12/98 )

"Tucking the bed sheets under the matress at the bed's end

Pulling the sheets back to hop in and place your feet at the end

The light is cut and brightness comes to a darkening end

Now the eyes start to close as the day has drawn to an end."

( Anthony S. - December 20th 1998 )
Copyright ©1998

" One person can start the wheels of revolution. Many can make a change!"
( Anthony S. - 22nd December 1998 )

" Sitting in an English garden, drinking your Tetley tea The sun comes out a shining, but you get wet from sitting in the warmth. Standing in the streets of Los Angeles, waiting for a cab to flag. Holding hands to your face to stop the in-purities of the smog. We all stand the same in this ever unearthly time. "
( Anthony S. - 22nd December 1998 )
