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There are times in our life that the door opens to another world. Some step through and some just stand on the outside looking in! Upon entering in the world of the internet over a year ago I met some wonderful people!! As my open mind watched several chat programs. I was intrigued with the actions of some of the people. I had heard so many stories of things on the internet! I was now there to see for myself. I watched; laughter, love, hate, fights, cyber talk, people falling in and out of love, marriage vows made and some breaking, births of new life! I saw death too and how the so-called-internet friend did not even blink an eye in sadness. I have watched many holidays go by even some that I was not aware that existed! I have made a few friends and have lost contact with many. I have spent many hours on the net. Then that one day came for me, without even knowing! In Pow Wow. ( OCT. of 97 ) I noticed the name Ugg???? I was thinking of the name. Who? Where? When? Why would this name be chosen? (As I was fascinated by the nick names that people chose) As I watched, I careful noted that he was typing about as much as I was HARDLY NOTHING. Then in one of the other areas someone asked "WHAT'S AN UGG????" I don't know said another. This feeling came over me. One of sorrow, pain and hurt! Was Ugg a person I could talk to? Could he/she see these people ignorance as I did? So I privated Ugg and said "please do not mind these people." Most of all I did not want him to think I was the person who's name I was under was me. I had to tell him different.

I felt myself go even more into a depressed state, with his little talk. Later in a few days, I saw his name appear. I found myself looking only for that name. As days went on, we added each other to buddy lists. For the next few weeks we talked of FREEDOMS and LAWS! People in general and not really letting each other know of who we were. I started to relax and spoke of practical jokes we played here on each other. He gave me some good ideas. Hours and days came and went as the meetings became more often. I found myself changing my sleeping patterns just to be with him; even if it was for a few hours in a day. I always felt something there and was not sure what it was. Friendship or a caring nature! Then that time of year that totally controls my life came up. I went into depression. I became NUMB. The protecting shield now to go up. But this year I did not want to close myself off from him. So I let the callous actions, that burn my soul out to him! I cried for days, for I finally released something much more personal to me than anything; that I would not share with anyone! He listened to me. I felt arms and a warm heart reaching out for me. I had never felt this before, for all I ever knew in life was hate!!! His B-day was coming up, so I felt deep within me to give a gift that was not bought. I sent him the gift for his special day. "A STAUNCH FRIENDSHIP" and gave with all my heart.


As the weeks turned into months, now over a year! The MAN has stepped closer to the edge of the shadows!! The luminous lights glow from within, like an eternal warming flame! My hands reach forward still searching for the touches. I am still enticed, electrified, mesmerized with his every movement! My heart was bounded at the bottom of the seas; and with his love breaths, he raised me above the still water's darkness! OH what POWERS that have never been used, lay within this man. I can not understand why such earthly power can possess me, as it does! His voice stimulates my every being! The wisdom within his youth, tells of his GRAND FUTURE that lays ahead!! His judgments are carefully thought out!

He does not brow beat your character. He brings that ALIVE! He has the ability to open so many doors, if you are, to but open your mind! I have nothing to give; but total LOVE! Which I give with no selfishness: all his to do, as pleased. As my needs in life grow, they are to be only seeded and fed by him! I give the praises of love for all eternity, for I have nothing else I WANT to spend my life on!!

For now I know the NOWHERE MAN he shall always remain to be! This Aussie can be the New Birth of a loving nation! For his soul does not rest among the humans, but lays within the Heavenly skies! THE LIVING GUARDIAN ANGEL of PEACE, LOVE and HARMONY!!

(Thank-you for breathing love alive in me!)


Poet ( Published )
Sports Orientated
Lover of Natural Life
Great Listener
. . . ECT . . . ( I won't go there ) * § § § *


I look at the future, for I am no longer looking at just mine, but yours too. I weigh this out!! In any and all directions. The branches in the road has many heartaches and toils and troubles ahead! Spiritually, I will always be with you! I shall try to pave all roads before you! If you were to fall way-side; I will carry your weight in smiles! Spending my last breaths, on your future! FOR LOVE BREEDS LIFE!


When I say I love you MORE!! Do not take it so literally!! Meant not to compare to your LOVE! To love you MORE: ( means ) with each breath I spend breathing. My love goes deeper and deeper. Expanding more and more!!!!
