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For now the domain of our love will have to subside here in the cyber world of time!
My love I know not how or why things are the way they are and soon we will over come the laws of nature and be as ONE!


" Blindness from love, is the fear of life. Love is the meaning of life. You can be as blind as your eyes will let you see."

8th December 1998

" The more you try the lesser one knows. The lesser one thinks, the greater the advent of conjouring greatness. "

10th December 1998

Love is the pollen of flowers smelt
Love is the windy smiles of flowers
Love is the site of your lover like setting sun
Love is that bodily taste of honey
Love is the meaning of life!!!

10th December 1998

Young Love

This strength of love measure in heights that are yet to be conceived before having the actually experience in it. Young love is so strong, mainly when you feel rejected in all areas of life. You cling to the first attraction with delicate care. You respond to every need at the cost of all others, so not to taint any thoughts of self esteem. It feels so right, so good, so pure and stronger that any emotion on this earth. You thrive to be the highest mountain and to understand the deepest secrets of many beds of oceans, all perfection is seen, no doubts intercede into thoughts. You are discovering your own abilities as well as the others. Feeding the others needs before yours are met. Competition with fellow mates is at hand and faults are under the microscope. You are the strength for your future and what you can and do make for it to un-fold before your very eyes. Then the walls fall down, you become so vulnerable, dreadfully weak from rejection. You hide away, deep with in yourself. The high becomes so low to where there is no point to the future light. Scared to share even in thoughts to yourself, they eat slowly away at you till you don’t even understand yourself let-alone another. The iron walls builds around you for protection. The cries within are even becoming deaf within yourself. You are no longer the young you! No one can understand the feeling of being lost within oneself. There is no relief, no outlet, no light as the shadows reflect back the past. Trust is lost; believing is no longer heard and community life is unheard of. 4/10/99

Mature Love

This is a very rare to find and have love. There are so many people in the world confusing young and mature love, maybe even I still do not know what I am saying, this is just a feeling and emotion. This is a pure love that can overcome any of life’s boundaries and it takes two to withstand the falls and the accomplishment. It is shared completely even under the six-sense of just knowing before the other is in need or asks. This is a blessing. As far as I can see I am being blessed continuously each day as I awake with him beside me.
