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Frames in Rows

If you are seeing this BOO!! No fair because I have not finished it yet. The files are in the making and forth coming. *S*

She dreams as she sits and the eyes go into non-focus...... Her dreams set sail. She lifts the window to bring in the day. The warm wind lifts the curtain in a dance. The air breaths the room clear.. Oh! Yesterday. The smells of love once was the lighting of this room. Now the new day shows the light. She thinks, how can a love so wonderful fall into her life? Her eyes she picks up the pillow that still shares him. The discovery of nose delights with memories. For if there was one more kiss, would this day hold memories? Her hand slides across the bed as she makes it......His spirit still lingers on this side.. She lays in his place and melts into the spirit and calls out to him...." LOVE OF MINE! I AWAIT " His kiss blows from the west..the breeze of the day lightly caresses her ears..with whispered torment of his awaiting time also! Her hand touches where he has been with desires.. She opens her heart to him. Love I have missed you, as the smile of pleasure matures on her face. The singing sounds of nature holds his promises of return......and the tunes do rise. She sleeps, only to awaken by the darkness again..the chill of the night goes deep in her bones. She lifts herself from the day dreams with no recondite. She closes the wind out.....for nothing can take his place as he is all to her...and she then again waits..

Just when you go relaxed knowing everything is going to be ok, the worst starts to happen! And again you blame yourself for the whys and whats and how come nothing seems to go right.. Is this life to be led with only trails on the emotions of a person; to see how much they can take before breaking?? Why so much pain?? Giving me unobtainable goals is not fair to my labors of love! Then I think! Has there been a love that was forbidden or so real that survived? The greatest love stories on record always has ended in tragedy. Crushed by social forces! The ones who don't beat the system of this non-loving human race, and is forced into hiding; hence never heard of again!!! Forced to live a life of loneliness! Life is not meant to be that way. Why is it so hard for people to accept love for what love has to give??? Real love not only gives to each other, but shines out to the world.

Oh! Thou cry. That hath not seen such love that can move mountains! Cry loud in voices! For greediness knocks on all doors. Envious eyes search out for prey! Protect thou life in all ways! We as loving humans are a dying race. The greatest of God is being tested by humans and the world's materials object are thou idols! Whom are you and I to be so blasphemous? Why was the New World based on the trust and faith of God, then turned back? Think about it?? Do you call on God when you are happy? Or is IT only seen in time of grief, pain and sorrow? The torpidity of our souls will not save us! Only to drown in tears and never to have the flame of the living hell to stop! Never to have the courage to stand up for LOVE! Again I say we are a dying race. You have not seen the horrors of a living hell yet. No one can project or imagine hell's fury! Hell has become a choice, that many have decided to live! I CHOSE NOT! I want to live in love and give love. That is still my freedom of choice!