Future of the Past
By: Jevana
Chapter Two
"You're gonna fight Angel? Now way....if you're fighting her then you'll have to fight m-" Kayin started, but then Angel looked up at him, giving him a look that said 'this is my fight, keep out.'
"What happens if I win?" Angel asked the creature. The creature looked up to her with a grim face.
"If the Earth-bron wins.....you both come with me..." It answered. Angel narrowed her eyes again, still trying to figure out what the creature had planned.
"And if I lose?" Angel questioned. The creature gave her a toothy grin, seeming as if he was excited that she was going to accept.
"You will not lose." It answered, confidently. Angel had a hard time hiding her uncertainty, why should they fight if it already knew she would win?
"Angel, we don't have to do this, we can just turn aroun-" Kayin started again, in attempt to change her mind.
"I accept." Angel said, cutting Kayin off. Kayin then stared at her as if she were nuts, which she chose to ignore, because she had seen the look so often. The creature gave another toothy grin.
"The blood of Him flows throw your viens......ones of His kind could never reject a fight." The creature stated. Angel proceeded to get into her regular battle stance, feet spread apart and hands up, ready for either a defensive or offensive attack, while she carefully watched the creature.
"Let us begin!" The creature shouted, and then suddenly disapeared. Kayin and Angel both knew this trick and didn't bother to look for the creature.
Angel stuck her elbow out to the side and was satisfied as she felt the creature's face hit her elbow. Angel then dropped to the ground, and swiftly swept the creature's legs out from under him. Instead of falling onto the ground, the creature floated in the air as it straightened itself. Kayin's mouth hung open, not sure if he was really seeing what he thought he was seeing.
"You are a tricky one...," The creature said, landing on the ground again, while Angel got back into her fighting stance. "I shall not go easy then..." He finished, charging at Angel with great speed.
"Sir.....we cannot find the frequency to one of the bounty hunters communicators." And officer called out to his superior officer. The commander turned towards him.
"Of what race is this bounty hunter?" The commander questioned. The officer typed in a few keys before turning to the commander.
"Seems like it's a Kaasiojin...." He answered. The commander rubbed a hand on his chin, thinking.
"One of the Earth supporters? I thought they were all dead." The commander said puzzled.
"Sir.....if this Kaasiojin should find the girl.....would he...." The officer trailed off when he saw the look of realization seeped into the commander's face.
"Order all bounty hunters that if they find both the girl and the Kaasiojin, their pay will be doubled."
"Yes, Sir."
"Watch out, Angel!" Kayin shouted. Things were not looking so good for the young female warrior.
After the creature had started charging at her, Angel fired a ki blast, in hopes of injuring, or at least slowing her opponent. When the creature caught her attack and then sent it back to her, she realized how tough this battle would grow to be.
Dodging the attack, Angel noticed that the creature was gone again, behind her. Her attacker didn't give her a chance to defend herself, for one second after appearing behind her the creature slammed Angel into the ground, with two fists clenched together.
"I know you are better! Fight as your ancestors have!" The creature yelled, sending a sharp kick into Angel's side, which sent her skidding across the ground.
Slowly getting up, Angel glared at the creature, who had not just two mintues ago came to her and told her that she did not belong on the planet she was currently on.....but to a planet that was now dead, all its glorious wonders gone. All the confusion and the frustration was blocking her concentration on the battle at hand. A sharp kick in the spine was enough to wake the girl from her thoughts.
"Eyes, ears, nose, mind.....all your senses must be focused on the battle!" The creature yelled as Angel stumbled forward form the attack. Nodding, Angel took her battle stance once again before disappearing herself.
"There is something wrong....."
"What? What do you mean wrong?"
"....Earth....it is not the same as it was.....luckily there are a few left....."
"A few left? What are you talking about? What's going on?"
"You might fight out soon.....very soon...."
The creature's fist was caught before it could hit the girl's face. The creature grinned again, knowing that the girl was not using all of her energy.
"You are as good as the ones before." The creature commetned, trying to throw another fist at Angel's face, who easily caught it in her opposite hand.
"Very good!" The creature then suddenly jerked Angel towards him, bringing his knee up into her gut.
Angel gasped as all the left her lungs. This creature was sure to win now that she was unable to move. Slamming Angel into the ground again, the creature jumped back form the gasping warrior.
"Angel, are you hurt?" Kayin asked, worry apparent in his voice, but did not move forward, aware that the creature was watching and probably wouldn't like him interferring. The girl then pulled herself onto her hands and knees.
"No.....but my pride just took a beating...." She managed to say. The creature gave a small scowl at this.
"Pride is not a thing to be treasured.....so was the mistake your ancestor's race made long ago...." The creature said, coolly. Standing up again, Angel studied the creature for a moment, gathering her strength again.
"Why are you giving your enemy advice and riddles?" She asked, clutching her sore side. The creature cocked its head to the side.
"Enemy of mine? No.....you are one of the ones my race wishes to keep safe from them..." The creature said. Angel growled in frustration, the little creature never gave any clear answers!
"Then why do you fight me? And who are 'Them'?" Angel demanded. The creature frowned slightly before answering.
"I wished to know how much knowledge you have obtained from this planet....." The creature answered. Angle took three deep breaths, looking form the creature, then to the still Kayin, and back.
"You only answered one of my questions.....why?" She asked, eyes narrowing with suspicion. The creature let out a sigh, which was nothing more than a short, airy whistle.
"You are not yet ready to be told.....soon........you will find out...." Kayin had decided that it was safe to move and started moving slowly towards Angel, still hoping that the creature didn't mind.
"Why do you come here? Now? Why come here when I am too old to remember anything of a planet you say I'm from? Why do you tell me these things in hopes of helping me remember?" Angel asked, in a quiet but firm voice. The creature looked down as if it were ashamed.
"That is a question I do not know the answer to...." It answered softly.
"Yeah.....right......I think I'd rather be taken by 'Them' than go with you..." Angel said, turning away from the creature. The creature looked up with wide, red eyes.
"Please! You mustn't go with Them!" The creature shouted, reaching a clawed hand out, towards Angel. Angel spun around, eyes blazing. The creature jumped back at this, scared of might happen, and scared of why one of His kind could be so fierce and dangerous.
"Why shouldn't I? I don't even know who I really am....there's no real point for me to not go to 'Them'!" She yelled. Kayin kept his distance from Angel, knowing full well what would happen if he got too close to her when she was like this.
"If you go.....it won't be possible to bring back those killed by Them....you are now the only one to make this possible...." Angel shook her head furiously at this.
"You're insane! There is no way anybody who has died to be brought back!" At this the creature raised its eyes, almost cheerful again.
"Ah.....but there is! The spheres with stars!" The creature yelled, excitedly. Angel's narrowed eyes scanned the creature to see why it had changed its emotions so suddenly.
"Spheres with stars? Okay....now I know you are insane." She said, folding her arms over her chest. The creature then became puzzled.
"Your ancestors knew of the spheres.....why do you not?" It asked, putting a clawed hand to its chin. Angel rolled her eyes.
"Maybe because I hit my head and forgot." She said, sarcastically. The creature nodded, clawed hand still on chin.
"Yes....that is a possiblity.....your ancestor did the same." Angel stared at the creature in disbelief.
"Whoa, woah, woah....hold on.....my ancestor hit his head?" Angel asked, skeptically. The creature nodded again.
"Yes, of course....why do you find this impossible?" It asked, looking up at Angel with an interested expression on its face.
"Oh, maybe because I was justhere, minding my own business, when you decided to come along, saying, "Want to know something cool? You're not relaly from this planet, but from one that's dead and......oh, yeah.....your ancestor hit his head before.' Oh, I wonder why..." Angel answered, voice dripping with sarcasm, before turning away from the creature again and began to walk away. The creature watched as Kayin soon followed.
The creature looked up at the sky, which was now showing that it was soon to be dark, and noticed and object coming towards its location. The creature hissed a curse. Kayin turned back around to the creature, hearing its curse.
"Get the girl off the planet!" The creature yelled to him, pointing up to the sky. Kayin looked up adn saw the object that the creature had seen. Running, Kayin grabbed Angel's arm, making her run alongside him.
"Bounty hunters!" He yelled before she could finish her question. At this, Angel began to sprint away from the area near the creature as fast as possible.
"There are lifeforms fleeing from the site." A voice said through a man's communicator.
"Can you get a reading on what species they are?" The man asked. There was a moment of silence before the answer came.
"Both seem to be Human.....probably descendants of the Human refugees of Earth." The voice answered.
"What are they? Male or female?" The man asked. There was another pause.
"One seems to be male and the other female." It answered.
"I will be on the surface shortly.....Zoridan out." The man said, turning his communicator off. 'You will not escape me this time.'
"Get to the ship......on top of the hill!" The creature yelled after Kayin and Angel.
"What do they want?!" Angel yelled out, knowing she would not receive an answer. As they ran, the object in the sky could be clearly seen as a spade pod, which was falling at a great speed to the ground, near where the creature stood.
Chapter Three