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Vegeta Learns About The Science Fair

By Lady Bulma

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Dragon Ball/Z/GT or Mentos (lol! I had to put it in T chan! I just had to)

Author's note: IMPORTANT! You will see what I mean when you get down to the part. They are doing this at the same time.

- = committee member

~ = Vegeta's thoughts


Once again Vegeta was sitting on his couch minding his own business when Chibi Trunks and Goten came in carrying stuff. Lots of stuff. Things such as glass bottles and water. Plus paper. Lots and lots of paper. "Hi Daddy! Me and Goten are doing a team project and it is all about paper foot balls!" The second he heard those words "paper foot balls" he immediatly thought of the day he tried to attack Goku with one. They were at Chibi Trunks' school doing some parents go to school day or whatever. He never did figure out how to make one. "It is for the science fair!" Well that ruined Vegeta's excitment. Before he could ask anything Bulma walked in with different types of paper.

"Oh hi Vegeta! I am so proud. The boys are doing the science fair this year! They even designed their own experiment and didn't steal one out of a book."

"What the hell is a Science fair? Oh Kami! Is it another ritual?!"

"No, this is volunteer. It is a fair that shows off kids brilliance. I am so excited."

"And...I don't have to do anything...right?"

"Well....I'll let the boys tell you all about what you have to do." The doorbell rang. Bulma walked over and opened it. Vegeta was getting that feeling in his stomach that wasn't good. "Hi Piccolo! I am so glad you could make it!" Piccolo grunted and he was followed in by Gohan and Goku. "Oh! And what are you two doing here?"

Gohan answered first. "I wanted to see this. I am thinking of becoming a science teacher and I thought it would be funny to watch." He took a seat next to Vegeta. Goku smiled and opened his mouth.

"Chichi is mad that I broke her vase so I am hanging out here until she cools down a bit."

"Oh, alright," Bulma replied. Goku sat down on the other side of Vegeta.

"Vman! Wassup little guy?"

"Go away Kakorrot."

"But... your my buddy. We need to hang out and bond more." Vegeta cringed and tried to ignore him as Mirai Trunks walked down the stairs.

"Hey...what is going on?"

"The little brats are doing the Science Carnival," Vegeta answered.

"Oh you mean the Science Fair!" Mirai Trunks busted up laughing. "I can tell they are using someone else and not Piccolo this time, like how I did." He took a seat on the floor to watch. Piccolo was setting up his camera to tape record the entire thing. He was also preparing his digital camera that he just got.

"What is going on?!" Vegeta begged to know. Mirai Trunks just laughed and watched. Piccolo was too busy setting up his equipment. Gohan was helping him. Bulma was helping the kids set up. Goku was eyeing the kitchen door. No one would answer the curious Saiya-jin. "I don't think I like this. Hey Kakorot. Why don't you and me go train!?"

"Are you okay Vman? You never ask me to train with you!" Goku stated. He reached over and put his hand on Vegeta's head. "You don't feel warm. Is it your alergies?"

"I am fine! I just need to get out of here!"

"I don't think we should. It is spring time and with your alergies, I don't think it will be good for your health."

"Just shut up now Kakorrot. Lets go." Bulma put her hand on Vegeta's shoulder.

"Where do you think your going? It is time to start. Look, everyone is ready." It was true. Everyone was ready to begin the experiments. Chibi Trunks took a step forward.

"Daddy, this experiment tests which type of paper is best to make the most effective paper foot ball. As you can see we bought every type of paper and every brand. We have been building them all week and now all we have to do is test them."

"And how do you do that?"

"We need you to stand still while we fire them."

"There is no way I will be a victim of your sick minds!"

"It won't hurt Daddy. Well...maybe a little. It is only me and Goten firing them! We promise not to hurt you!" Vegeta shook his head no and stood up to leave.

"VEGETA!" Bulma screamed. "You do know the deal yes?"

"Yeah, destroyed gravitiy room and sleeping on the couch."

"Add in there no more Pepsi!"


"I can, and will!" She took a Pepsi can and handed it to Goku ordering him to drink it. Goku nodded and chugged it all down. Little did the Saiya-jin know the power of the caffine in a Pepsi. Vegeta sat down behind a table and put his fingers up in a goal position.

"Start your firing," he said with no emotion. Before he knew it, he was assulted with thousands and thousands of paper foot balls all attacking him, like nothing he knew before. He had to stop them in the middle of the experiment to put on saftey goggles before he went blind. Piccolo was silently taping the whole experience while Mirai Trunks laughed evily in the corner of the room. Goku got up and started roaming around, talking to himself. Vegeta looked over to him worriedly. "Bulma...Kakorrot is scaring me. Ow! Watch it brats." He snarled at the kids and looked back to Bulma. "Get him out of here."

Much to his horror, Goku began to sing. "Do do do dooooooo dowaaa! It doesn't matter what comes. Fresh goes better with life, with Mentos fresh and full of life. Nothing gets to you, staying fresher and cool, with mentos fresh and full of life! Fresh goes better, Mentos fresh mints. Fresh goes better with Mentos, fresh and full of life. Mentos: The Fresh Maker." No one blinked as Goku finished and looked around the room lauging like an idiot. Vegeta was officially freaked out.

"Kakorot. You are really scaring me."

"Do you want me to go get you some fresh mints!"

"No. Just sit down."

"I can get FRESH mints!"

"I am sure you can...sit down now."


", go on with your experiment." Vegeta was assulted with more paper footballs as Goku walked around singing the Mentos song. Vegeta closed his eyes and shook his head not wanting anything to do with Kakorrot.

Several days later Vegeta found himself in a very loud room. Every where he looked were more and more science posters. Some were good, some were crap. For the most part he didn't understand what any of it meant. All he knew was that Kakorrot was very high off of a combination of Pepsi and Mentos and that it was open house or something. Bulma said that they were done the judging and now all they had to do was wait for the awards ceremony to start to see if they had won or not. Chibi Trunks and Goten were running around wrecking havioc every where. Mirai Trunks was studying the projects with Piccolo and Gohan. Bulma was dragging Vegeta along with Goku and Chichi around the floor where all the projects were. There were only fifteen minutes before the awards ceremony started, he could survive.

Couldn't he? He stopped at the first project that caught his attention all night. It was titled, "Do aliens really exist?" He looked over to Bulma, Chichi, and Goku and decided to call them. "Woman! Bring yourself and them to this board immediatly." Bulma looked back and frowned. He knew how much she hated being called 'Woman', but he choose to call her that anyway. So, he shrugged and started reading the board. Basically all it said was, that there was a potential for aliens to be out there but the chances of them coming here were unlikely. He started laughing really hard distracting Goku from the girls. Goku came over and read what was on the board.

"I don't get it."

"You are too stupid to Kakorrot!"


"All it says is that the chances of aliens coming here are next to nothing."

"I still don't get it."

"Nevermind. Lets go. The award thing is starting." Vegeta and Goku walked down a long line of projects before reaching the auditorium door. They quickly took a seat near everyone else and looked forward as an old man got up on the stage. He was wearing the red ribbon of a committee member.

-Thank you ladies and and gentlemen for coming tonight. I am Mr. J.

~Can this man speak any slower.

-I want to first thank the students for participating. Could you all please stand up.

~I don't. They shot paper foot balls at me

-I would then like to thank the parents. Without you, this would have never happened.

~I think he is a monotone. Sure sounds like it.

-And finally the teachers and sponsorers. You have been great supporters of younge scientists.

~How are paper foot balls related to science?

-The science fair is a time when younge people from around the area gather together to show what they have learned through experimentation.

~I have learned that I hate paper foot balls.

-Today we have seen many talented people.

~No we haven't. We have seen some kids and boards.

-They are tomorrow's scientists

~I don't think they have that ability.

-And now for the awards.

~It's about time. I think I will block you out until you say the brats names.

lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala. Do do do dooooooo dowaaa! It doesn't matter what comes. Fresh goes better with life, with Mentos fresh and full of life. Nothing gets to you, staying fresher and cool, with mentos fresh and full of life! Fresh goes better, Mentos fresh mints. Fresh goes better with Mentos, fresh and full of life. Mentos: The Fresh Maker.

-Son Goten and Vegeta Trunks

~That is more like it. Oh look, there they go up the step thingys. They really should just fly.

-They have won third in the area of physics


-Thank you for participating.

~That is it!? A thanks and a ribbon? That was so lame.

They were in the car heading back and Vegeta was staring at Chibi Trunks' ribbon. "This is it?" Bulma sighed for the millionth time.

"Yes, and they learned a lot."

"No. All they learned is how to make those infernal paper foot balls."

"Isn't that enough?" Vegeta just grunted and handed the ribbon back to Chibi Trunks. Goku started poking Vegeta in the shoulder.

"What do you want Kakorrot!?" Goku leaned over so that he could whiper into Vegeta's ear.

"Do do do dooooooo dowaaa! It doesn't matter what comes. Fresh goes better with life, with Mentos fresh and full of life. Nothing gets to you, staying fresher and cool, with mentos fresh and full of life! Fresh goes better, Mentos fresh mints. Fresh goes better with Mentos, fresh and full of life. Mentos: The Fresh Maker."

"Kakorrot! How many times do I have to tell you not to sing that song in my presence?" Goku started counting his fingers thinking really hard. Vegeta just sighed and looked ahead.

Vegeta's thought of the day: Now that ritual was really stupid! I mean that was the worst of them all! Not only was it boring, I am now putting paper foot balls on my black list along with Kakorrot and all human rituals and traditions. And everytime the Mirai brat starts laughing, that is a sign that something ins't right with what is about to happen. That is the only thing he is useful for.

The End ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Author's note: I love the science fair a lot so I just had to do this story. If you have done it a lot *like every year* then you will get some of the more inside jokes. Well, I hope you enjoyed the story anyway, thanks for reading! Please review! =^_^=

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