Once upon a time, three little boys named Goku, Gohan and Goten. One day, they decided to built an house for each of them. They walked for days and finally arrived in a corn field.
- I'll built my house here, said Goku, the lazy boy.
- But with what will you built it? asked Gohan, the smart boy.
- With straw, of course.
- And what will you eat?
- Corn, of course.
- If it's your choice...
Gohan and Goten left Goku with his work. After a few days, they arrived in a forest.
- I'll built my house here, said Goten.
- But with what will you built it?
- With wood, of course.
- And what will you eat?
- Berries, of course.
- If it's your choice...
And Gohan left his brother with his work. After a few days, he arrived to a mountain full of bears.
- I'll sculpt my house in the rock and I'll eat meat, he said.
And he started to work.
Some months passed and the evil Vegeta arrived at Goku's.
- Thrid class warrior, let me enter! he said.
- Who is it?
- The monster Vegeta!
- Give me a good reason to let you enter!
- Hum... That's a good question... Wait...
- So, you thought I'd let you fool me?
Then the monster Vegeta showed out a match, stroke it and threw it to the house. The house caught in fire and Goku ran away, screaming, until he arrived at Goten's.
Life went on until the monster Vegeta found Goten's house.
- Little brat, let me enter! he said.
- Who is it? asked Goten.
- The monster Vegeta!
- You'll never enter!
- I don't have anymore match... What will I do? Oh yes, I knew that it would be useful someday!
He showed out a pot full of termites.
- Where does he take that from? asked Goku.
- Dunno... said Goten.
Vegeta opened the pot and the termites ate the entire house. The two boys ran away until they arrived at Gohan's.
And life went on peacefully until the monster found the little boys' house.
- Open to me, little boy! screamed Vegeta.
- Who is it? asked Gohan.
- It's the monster Vegeta!
- To let you eat us? Never!!!
- So I'll destroy your house!!
Vegeta searched in his bag for 5 minutes.
- So, monster?
- I... I've... I've forget my dynamites!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!! What will I do?!?!?!?!
And the monster Vegeta sunk into madness. What happened to the three little boys? They all found their own mate and had a lot of kids (but never lived happy).