Because of a major lack of time and interest, I'm closing the site. Sorry for the authors who submitted recently, but I will not post your work.
Note to the autors who submitted recently: I am not forgetting you, I simply have no time to read and post you here. Please be patient, I should find some time for that before the school begins (well I hope).
Updated this page a little.
New link; Bchan's site is back!
The final chapters of Dreamweaver's saga has been added, click here and read!
Worked a little on a fanfic.
Happy Birthday bro!!
Added many reviews for remaining completed fanfics.
I would like to apologize for the lack of updates of the past few months. I am sad to realise that I'm losing my interest for DBZ, as well as for fanfiction writting. Although I plan on keeping the site open and accepting fanfics from other authors, I won't be working on it all that much anymore, nor will I be writting myself. Dragon Ball's Palace is not dead, but in rest.
Sadly, I had to delete many links, sites having disappeared or closed.
Just ajusted the rules for fanfics submission. Please check them and respect them if you decide to send me something...
Joined the greatest club ever... My friend LadyBulma started it, click right here to see what it's about!
Changed the link for the famous site Temple O' Trunks.
Some additions to this page and a change in the picture so it suits my new hairstyle better.
A new chapter's for Leia's fanfic!
Added reviews for two fanfics: Makafushigi Adventures and Every Breathe You Take. I'm currently writting a fanfic myself and I have something in thought for the Chibi Insanity's fans...
Got a spiffin award from LadyBulma, tis placed here. I added some more informations on that page. I'll try getting some work done on this site soon guys.
Modified the informations here a little.
I also updated Cat Eye!
Alright, alright.. It's a bit late but it's finally here, the latest file about paternity in Dragon Ball! I think it's worth a reading. Sorry for being late, heh.
I found THE code I needed to make the fanfics page look good and nice!
Added some more reviews for the fanfics of Acyla, Kiwi, C.S. Hayden and Fleur.
A new chapter of Dreamweaver's fanfic for now.
Added reviews for a few of Celey, LadyBulma, Birdee and Dreamweaver's fanfics. I just want to point out that I won't post those for uncomplete fics, because I try not to spoil the ending and to give a general idea of the fanfic.
A new fanfic from Celey, that gets to figure in the Yamcha's Shrine as well. As for the new page I'm preparing, it's almost half way done, so expect to have it before the end of the month (if school isn't too much work).
Happy New Year people! I wish you health, happiness and success ^_~ For now I've only changed the look of this page a little so it doesn't look too straight anymore.
A nice update before the new year: I added an indicator of my talent in the fanfic section. To understand better, click here. I believe this to be an interesting addition to the site.
I counted the fanfics on this site and found out that I have fewer than before... Anyway, down to 88 now, which still isn't too bad... But don't forget to send yours! (please read the RULES before though...) Also took down the fanarts request from all the special pages of the site.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!! And guess what?! I got you a little something.... A new Chibi Insanity comic!!!! It's in the Merry Christmas stories!
Just did an extra tiny little update on the Yamcha's Shrine...
Just gave some order to the list of pictures of chibis. And yes, I'm thinking about doing some more comics for soon (eh, I promised a friend...)
I added two important thingies: one on the main page (just scroll down until you see it, then bow to it) and one here.
I revised one of my fanfics. All of the moment.
I changed the Yamcha's Shrine colors so they'd fit better with the new layout, yet remaining personnalized to the shrine. The new colors are supposed to remind you of the desert where Yamcha's story begun. I also did some minor changes on this page.
Gave another award to one of my favorite author ever: LadyBulma!
Tadaaa!!! Here it is, the second layout of Dragon Ball's Palace! Was about time, ne? Well anyway, I hope you like all the brightness. I was inspired by the colors of my country's winter: white, green and grey. I also added a new mascot: the Dragon. He rules. So cute.
So I changed most of the pages' look (fanfics, main, links, Chibi Insanity)... Well, only the files remain quite as they were before, in fact. So just go around the site and check it out, not forgetting to sign the guestbook, of course!!
Old updates