Professor Goddess Urd's Harvard Approved Definition of *SPA*

I only look sweet and innocent...

Professor Goddess Urd's Harvard Approved Definition of SPA

The word "spa" is a very intriguing word in its versatility. When a goddess shouts the word "SPA!", she is not referring to an overpriced house of mudbaths and facials. While a goddess does use this noun form of the word on occasion, the aforementioned definition is irrelevant in an exclamatory remark.

To fully comprehend the true meaning of spa, one must understand its origin. "Spa" is not originally a collaborative work of Skuld and myself. It is in fact a word emerged from an incident involving our middle sister, Belldandy, and myself. The word sprang from a commentary made on the Sony PlayStation video game "Medievil".

As those who have played the game know, the hero of the adventure, Daniel Fortesque (a corpse), gets his ass whooped on a regular basis by zombies and other foes throughout his quest. It is thus necessary to replenish the energy lost by these ass whoopings. One achieves such rejuvenation by stepping into lime-green fountains of magic placed strategically on the boards. Upon doing so at Belldandy's house one particular night, the following conversation ensued:

Belldandy: HEALTH!!

Urd: It's like a corpse spa!

Belldandy: Yeah, that's what I used to say... *Fortesque regains his power* Oooh, sweet health.

Urd: Spa!

I thus decided that "spa" was a marvelous word, and that it must be used in every possible occasion. The above scene also explains the less-noted but just as versatile word, health, that appears throughout some of the text in MilkLand.

How spa developed from there proved the little word's power. Although monosyllabic and consisting of only three lonely letters, it is quite effective and has been connected to several other more conventional words to express ideas. As apparent, spa has a definitely positive connotation, conveying approval or admiration. *Examples being:*

"Wow, that is so spa!"

"Look at this, isn't it cool?" "Oh, total spa!"

(a rather attractive male passes by) "Whoa... spa."

From this magical word springs the new and equally admirable phrase- spagenki (another of my own additions to the English vocabulary). This is, of course, a combination of the two happy words spa and genki. (To learn more about "genki", go to, a favorite site of Skuld and me.) The word spagenki is less usable than spa, however, as it reminds people of spaghetti, triggering thoughts of noodles rather than happy faces and Hotohori-sama. However, it will still be used frequently by my sister and I (ie: Skuld's Spagenki Ramblings) as it is very enjoyable to type. Try it!!

In conclusion, spa is cool. Spa is awesome. In fact, spa... is downright SPA!!

Thank you for spending 3 minutes of your life that you'll never get back to read of the wonders of *SPA*.

Lo Mein, Pencils, Coconuts, and of course, *SPA*,
