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Palla Palla's Game Room

Hey, this is the place where the cutest Amazon Quartet hangs out: Palla Palla!!

Here is a Sailor Moon Doll you can print out and play with(just like Palla Palla, but please dont turn her into an evil dentist lady!!). -thanks to Sailor Moon Universe

Okay now Palla Palla got bored and cute up a pretty picture of Eternal Sailor Moon!!(how rude!!)
But now shes crying cus she lost some pieces(oh boy) you have to look all over Moon Beam to find the missing pieces.. every time you find a missing piece save it on your computer(or disk) and when you think youve found them all, use your paint program to stitch the picture up!! Be sure to save the below picture first so you have some where to glue the pieces down, okay! Then when your finished and its all a big sticky mess..mail it to me and you will win an award, I'll link your web page, and I even will give you an ultimate surprise!!(if you dont have a web apge ill substitue it with something else!!) Plus Palla Palla wont take your dream mirror away!!