Takeuchi Naoko's manga story Codename: Sailor-V, appeared in Run-Run magazine from May 1993 to March 1994 (the May 1997 issue of Run-Run can bee seen at left). This manga series was cut short as it's sequel, Bishojo Senshi Sailormoon, gained in popularity. Now that Sailormoon has ended in both manga and anime serialization, Sailor-V finally returned to Run-Run in issue #5 (May 1997) and now it has finished it's run and been released into the third (and final) volume of Codename:Sailor-V. For those of you that missed the old issues of Run-Run, there are three tankubon (manga compilations), Codename: Sailor-V volumes 1, 2, and 3, and they can be found in the same section as the Bishojo Senshi Sailormoon manga at your local Japanese Bookstore.
Codename: Sailor-V is about how Aino Minako first met Artemis and how he showed her that she was fated to be the legendary Sailorvenus, codename Sailor-V. In this volume we also meet Minako's best friend, Hikaru (an Ami-chan look-alike), and the nerdy tag-along Amano. Minako falls in love with Higashi-sempai (an older male student) and he is the first one to tell her that she would look nice with a red bow in the back of her hair. An enemy has appeared that Sailor-V has to fight, but it is not quite clear yet who the enemy is (the Dark Agency).