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HI there and thanks for Visiting my site Shoujo Dreams. You may or may not be wondering what a shoujo is, well no worries I'll tell you! A shoujo is basicly an anime/manga of a magical girl series:: Sailor Moon :: is a perfect example.
Since I love the story of Sailor Moon, I decided to learn more about the author's works. It turned out that she has created tons more mangas than just Sailor Moon, and all of which are great wonderful stories to read!
So I decided to devote my webspace to all of her works, although S.D. is just in the beginning stages, my Sailor Moon page (Moon Beam) has been around for over a year, so I obviously have alot more features there. I hope to get info and pictures on every single Naoko's work, and create pagez for them jsut like Moon Beam.

I love it when people put in effort to help me, so If you have any info on any Of Nako's works, or you just are bored and you want to be apart of S.D.'s maitenence team(i would really apprectiate it) pleaseemail me