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May 30,2005- It has been so long since I started this. I have obviously stopped worked on it, but I am willing to give this site over to anyone who would like to take it. Please email me at my current email :, please put in Shoujo Dreams as the subject. And I will get back to you asap.

June 20, 2002-gee I havent done much at all for the past few months, but Im still around, just lost with most ppl do with their own page..maybe this summer(now that i am a senior!!) ill do something but i have a couple classes im taking plus one at the local college so my time is rather much eaten up..if ud like to get a hold of me other than email i do have an AIM account: LithiumWhite so u can look me up, im logged in daily, and for long peiods of time if no one logs me off, so feel free to say hi!

March 18, 2002- well all i did was add some two things to My SM collection im lazy i need ppl even come to this site..well I sure dont know cus the freakin guestbook doesnt work for crap anymore and even if it does rarely anyone signs it..soo woo hoo big barrel of monkee fun for me...

Febuary 8, 2002- wow its been a long time..all i did today so far was to add a few pictures to my collection so u can see some things.

December 28, 2001- I got the moon wand for christmas plus i bought some more vending machine stickers. Today I bought the new calendar for 50% off..and then I got a freakin traffic ticket for jaywalking..ugh so now i wont be able to buy much for a looong time..stopid government!

December 22, 2001- My bday was the 12th and I got a new SM lunch box, and today I bought some trading cards and some machine stickers and a cool new art thingy-all can be found in my collection on the sailor moon pages
Dang! alot of people have come since my last visit, and theyve chalked up the guestbook too! gratsi all

November 19,2001- I added a new linx to my friends new site so go visit it!

November 18, 2001- I signed up into +|Sailor Moon + 30|+ so please for my site to be number one

November 15, 2001- put in a pic of my green sailor moon jewelery box(if u were pondering the appearence of it) its not the actual one, but lazy me found a pic of an identical one on ebay and snatched it up ^_^..since there is gunna be a 5 day weekend coming up soon Ill maybe get the gumptions to work here..ive been working more on my nirvana *the band not the state of mind* page (if u like nirvana please visit it at:

November 1, 2001-(happy belated halloween)I added to collection list..i got 2 vending machine stickers a few weeks ago, if anyone wants to see the me and I'll send them! and maybe ill get the gumption to upload them..maybe

October 12, 2001- I added some new anime reviews(which u can access thru the sailor Moon section) on Gunsmith Ctas and Princess mononke and revolutionary Girl Utena.

October 6, 2001- I was looking over this update section, and found that the new email linx i have up is wrong, so i fixed that, it should be like this

September 24, 2001- Wow its been ages:; whats happening? Well we are official past 1 thousand visitors! Im happyful! Okay I added to the my stuff list in sailor moon section, again and hopefully i can set foot in here again and work on it soon ^_^

September 3, 2001- I added to sailor moon collection-Luna Sphere and a manga

August 27,2001- Added a few things to SM collection grows weekly!

August 24,2001- turned out I had screwed some of the email addies up, so I fixed them, they should all be right now..hopefully!

August 23,2001-changed all email addys... new one...added something to sm collection list

August 16,2001- Added important linx found in sailor moon section..if you ever consider buying a cosplay outfit..check this out first!

August 9,2001- I put up a site Info page, please check it out if you can aid in anyway. on main I put a linx pic up for updates and the naoko info page.

August 8,2001- New Info on**Naoko's New Manga~TOKI*MEKA** in the Naoko section, scanner is giving me crap so having trouble putting up collection pics.

August 7,2001- I got the pics back of my collection, alot of the pictures from comic con were destyoed, I only got one back, and that one hardly even showed..anyways..soI put up some new fan art thingy in the SM section, and a pic in my SM collection area. Enjoy!!

August 4,2001- Added 2 scans of my Sailor Moon Stationary and of my patches.

August 3,2001- I have fixed stuff on my collection page (instead of looking thru the mass pictures at the bottom, I have made some of the items clickable so you can see the, but you can still see the group collection pics at the bottom)

August 2,2001- Sorry I didnt update so long, I could log into my angelfire account, turns out I wasn't adding a / in it..duh! Okay so I added a few scans of my toys from comic con, a new sm image on main layout and resized the cherryprojectone, and reposted a fanart pic in the sailor moon section and um, possibly something else later.

July 22, 2001- ahh the wonderous hours I spent at comic con payed off well, I found many rare sailor moon toys(but not the huge doll) so go check out my collection under Sailor Moon

July 21,2000- Tomorrow I head to the Comic Con, so look next week (maybe tomrrow) for all my new sailor moon toys!!! I added to the naoko page-I found out alot more mangas she has done, plus a piccy, taht has an item I hope to find tomorrow, in it!! and i changed the midi on front page

July 19,2001- Filled in the Codename Sailor V section. Soon I will add more to each section, cus they arent very...funfilled.

July 16,2001- I put up a new banner for for shoujo dreams, u can use it to linx me. Ill probably have alot better ones soon, maybe not.I also have a naoko news and info section up. Also, Im going To the S.D. Comic Con this Sunday so if anyone else is going talk to me!!

July 14, 2001- MORNING::~*Shoujo Dreams*~ is here!! The start looks really crappy, I know. But I will soon have music up and stuff. If you just want the old site, just go to the Sailor Moon section, its practiclly the same. Pq and Cherry are up, kinda ugly tho.
AFTERNOON:: well, congrats to Sailor Berry Moon, who was the 700th visitor..and to send in the pic. I am made linx pictures, but I gotta fix em up so they are pwetty! Also Sailor Berry also won the Pretty Sailor Puzzle game award!! You can it man!

July 13,2001- well thanks so much Sailor Berry, I have put up the missing game piece, so if u couldn't find it, try looking again. Also, I am done with the PQAngels part of the new site, so, Im gunna work on Cherry Project and Sailor V next. I might put it up with just Sailor Moon, Cherry Project, and PqAngels, and then add the others when time comes, like Chocolate Christmas, Maria, and a few others, maybe Prism Time. So, next week it should be up. So come back soon. Also the counter is reaching 700, so just a reminder, send in the image of the big 7-0-0 if u want a present!

July 10,2001- I have started work on the new theme page, Im guessing I can have the main Layout up before August..hopefully!

July 8,2001- I have decided to turn Moon Beam into a site devoted to all the animes/mangas Naoko has done, at least the ones I know of. Above pics are a few, like Sailor V, PQAngels, and cherry project, sailor moon of course will still be around too, no worries(if anyone else knows anymore things done by the queen please tell me about them!!). The new layout I have been raving about is gone:( well, its okay cus I found a layout that I love for the new theme. It will take me a while to get the new stuff up and running, cus alot of heck is going on in my life right now. But i will be working "behind the scenes" so that when I bring out the new theme, it will actually have working stuff!

July 3,2001- no update just wanna say I got my liscnce yesterday!! and um some major events are happening in my life so I may not update for a long time, but email will still be available.

June 28, 2001- what!! what!! passed 600 already, last time I looked(yesterday) I thought the counter read 560..dang, where did that big boost of people come from..and why didn't they sign the guestbook?!I got some pics thru a genourus email the other day so ill have them up soon. My tooth hurts(stupid tooth fairy)and im too lazy to write html tonite.I need one of the those programs that is like a dictionary of html i could be lazy and just copy and paste--anyone have one?..*sigh*-i guess i'll go watch a sailor moon movie

June 23, 2001-worked all morning long to get the inner senshi pictures up, I added at least 3 pictures for each scout( hey thats alot of work to have to save and then upload each indiviually and then make the tags)-now to work on the rest of them..

June 22, 2001-updated request page(thanks alot Lucy) And Im still getting the gallery in far Sailor Moon and Mercury have been updated..and the senshi profiles are all updated:: happy jope?::-now I still work on galery and villian prifiles

June 20, 2001- new sm toys up!! te he..i happy..Im still working on loading all the images for gallery too.

June 18,2001- new music on front takes a while to load..but once youve loaded the whole song..u no longer have to do it again..its the best song ever too!!Picture week..Im updating all week so check out the new ones in the gallery. *also im a very sad bunni..i failed my liscence test..stupid curb just had to get in the way-also the brake lights were out(opps)* so im working on my page to distract me from thinking about pityfulokay bai people..also if u failed ur liscnce test and want to tell me how pitiful u felt..just email me..!!

June 16,2001-ouch! sunburn! te he..okies..hmm no one sent in the counter image..again!so..well wait for number 600..okaies..this week:: I have myself a job..update all the pictures in the gallery section!! and possibly the info section!!--if anyone has any pics they want to contribute..or info..please send them to me!!!!!!

June 14,2001-NO MORE SCHOOL!..well for a while..till summer school..i got the picutures of my collection up in the current Sailor Moon Collection section(hey taht ryhms) check those out

June 13,2001- Okay peeps!! The 500 count is coming up..send in the piccy!! also I changed the font color, to see if netscape users could read it..can you?....One more day of school left woo hoo..I am super i decided to put up the calendar of events I have had the past few weeks, just so u can see how busy I was..and why i didnt update much!So u can expect more this summer..okaies!here it is::