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Angels in formation

(or learning how to fly)

Day after day, week after week, human are constantly learning. To obtain his wings and become an angel, the human being needs to fallow many different ways and fight against the bad. To fly all alone, he will need to be free.

But what is "being free" exactly for a man?
To be free, he needs to get rid of all the things that keep him on earth, without losing the faith in human race. He needs to cherish his planet and to have this desire to live in a better world. To be free, he has to like himself and show affection to all the people that deserve it. But who doesn't deserve affection?

Next guardian of this planet and its citizens, the human being needs to take care of his neighbors and neighborhood. He also needs to take care of his own life, without being selfish. To be free and learn how to fly, he needs to find happiness without injuring others, or forgetting them.

Everyone is not meant to be an angel. Some person are to tied to this world, others don't have the love, hope and faith in this life. For these reasons, they will never be able to fly. But, you can be an angel, if you believe in you enough.

If he really want to learn to fly, the angel in formation needs to be strong and never give up. He also needs to be sensible and keep fighting trough the difficult days in life. Angels also cry, but they always hold on.

When he will be ready to fly, when the love and freedom will fill him, this human will be able to leave this world, to pass away. He will become the guardian of the Earth, the savior of the hurt souls. The wings will simply grows on his back. He'll be free and happy, forever.

Always remember, you need to fallow all the steps before acceding to the guardian angel world. Be free, sensible and strong enough to survive until you reach the eternal freedom. Humans are angel in formation, don't skip the classes, or you'll never be what you could be.
