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Crazy Daisy Winder

This gadget is a disk on a knob, which extends and retracts twelve metal pins with a twist. This provides a frame to make uniform yarn loop flowers/motifs. Holding it with position one at the top, catch yarn at the center with thumb, letting about an inch hang as a tail. Wrap left to right around pin and right to left around the opposite pin. You may do this once or twice more dependending on yarn thickness. Repeat clockwise around the disk. Finish with a yarn needle, cinching 4 petals in overlapping groups, making a total of thirteen stitches. Work in the various tails and twist to release. Motifs can be treated as granny square centers.

Studio Twelve Fleur Loom, Applique Loom

These are plastic rings with posts, the larger ones having two or three concentric rings of posts. They also have one or more notches to hold the initial tail. Catch yarn at seven with one at the top and figure eight left to right post(s) one, right to left position six. Repeat as appropriate. (The instructions I have read five times.) Work counterclockwise until whole ring is done and lock a fifteen inch tail at slot six. The next ring is made similarly, though with fewer wraps. (Three is the suggestion.) Using the long tail and a tapestry needle whip around the base of each set of loops. The finishing stitch runs clockwise slanting over two and a half loops. Gently slid up and off the posts. Note:The illustration and example photo doesn't figure eight after the first post; instead left to righting post two and right to lefting post seven.