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To avoid cluttering up the various papers, I have relocated the original footnotes here.

The Borders Between Nations and Countries

1As this information is from 1986, it refers to 'unified Yugoslavia'. I cannot estimate how many of these have relocated or been killed during the turmoil in what was Yugoslavia.

2 Background Notes. respective countries. Again there is no telling how many of those Hungarians remain alive and in the ruins of former Yugoslavia.

3 Background notes. Liechtenstein. I want to note that this is from 1985, one of the oldest of the referenced Background notes. It is entirely possible things have changed.

4NewStatesman. Sept. 21,1992. That is to say the Somalians are being set up in high-crime neighborhoods, where as a result they are seen as targets.

5Ladino is to Romance languages as Yiddish is to German.

6Sources don't include numbers for Bulgarian population of Jews.

7Please note that this is before Ceausescu's execution and the fighting that proceeded it. It is hard to say what the current figure would be.

8This following information I cannot properly document as it comes from research I have done over the past seven or so years. Most of it is of a rather generally known nature.

9Gaelic. This is not to say the Highlanders couldn't communicate with outsiders. Indeed, most lairds could speak English and/or French. When Europe's language of correspondence was Latin, it was a skill assiduously practiced by the chiefs.

10Sett or tartan as refers to a particular pattern.

11Certain regions that were incredibly isolated didn't have to change as much or as early. However, even they were part of complex market realities.

Women in the Story of Man

1The new model is largely taken from On Becoming Human, though with some additions from other sources, including my own insight.

2Europeans often 'made' new leaders for native peoples, particularly where rule was somehow in the hands of women. These new leaders would have greater access to goods such as metal.

3Similarly, dentation is a complex question. Humans have an omnivorous pattern, which means that we can eat lots of different kinds of foods, not that we must. The clearest evidence for dependence on plant foods doesn't occur until stoneground meal becomes a major part of the diet. Otherwise, you have to deal with microwear studies.

4A "fossilized" skull made up of a modern human skull and an orangutan jaw, all filed and stained to look somewhat passable. Actually, only the British were really taken in, because they wanted evolution in their part of the world.

5Women in Prehistory. page 8.

6Ibid, page 9. An example of this kind of problem can be seen in advice given to Prof. A. Sutherland when she was doing her anthropology dissertation, which was to not include any information from her fieldwork on childbirth or similar questions.

7Which was coined by Spencer in 1866. Tanner pg. 6

8Tennyson 1850.

A Historiography of the Scottish Enlightenment

1Very late in the research, while reviewing a prose bibliography, I found that "Adam Ferguson and the Idea of Community" in Edinburgh in the Age of Reason (40-47) and an eleven page article in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature actually treated with the specific issue I started with, Highland influences on Ferguson's thought.

2The issue of what really occurred, with what benefits and costs, is highly charged. Yet to hold that "Highland agriculture was primarily an auxiliary of the basically predatory economy" (pg. 16) without any substantiation is to embrace a dangerous "simplification" that has been plaguing understanding of the Scottish Highlands for more than four hundred years.

3Hspfl, pg. 28.

4Ferguson, it must be noted, was a Lowlander (though raised near the foot hills of the Highlands) and rather annoyed at having to let Edinburgh be invaded by the Pretender's army.

5The Ossian controversy sprang from a need to present Scottish equals to various classical works, in this case Homeric epic. The only certain fact is that things did get out of control; what, who and how is a matter for entire books. Let it suffice that Ferguson stated that he could not attest to the authenticity of the 'fragments' offered as evidence being not literate in Gaelic.

6Other than having been a Highland regiment chaplain, of course.

7In 1900 by William Robert Scott. Sher, pg. 4.

8The Act of Union (1707) brought an end to a separate Scottish Parliament. The last of the Jacobite Uprisings (1745) allowed sweeping changes to be made in the Highlands.

9Sher, pg. 9.

10Hugh Trevor-Roper (Lord Dacre), from his paper presented at the Second International Congress on the Enlightenment (1967), quoted in Sher, pg. 4.

Sher, pg. 5.

12Ferguson, who Trevor-Roper would include, wrote a biography of his cousin Joseph Black, who, as a chemist, Trevor-Roper would not include.

13Hutton, was, like many men of genius, nearly unintelligible, partaking of a pre-Enlightenment view at many points. Playfair, was instrumental in translating the work and in providing numerous examples in way of proof.

14Peter Gay, The Enlightenment: An Interpretation. as noted in Sher, pg. 8.

15Ruddiman, being a Jacobite classicist, clearly was part of a separate movement. Robert Adam was an architect.

16I get the impression of well-paid graduate students from them, an interesting, if contradictory image.

17Broad Scots is a language much like English, but different in vocabulary and pronunciation. The speech of Lowlander Scots, it is filled with rolled rs, and guttural chs.

18One presumes future historians of ideas will figure out some way to name these two groups, the We-only-study-the-Victims-of-History-not-the-Evil-White-Oppressors, and the Hirsch-Bloom Nation.

19The Renaissance, and Scholasticism to a greater extent, are foreign realms and as such safe; we don't have to relate them to ourselves.

*Four years later I wouldn't slap this paragraph in with no warning. However laughable the mock-Freudian analysis may be, there is something hinky around here. Since I wrote this, I've explored related parts of academia which show the same signs. This may be an American effect.

Mainstream America: Imagined Community or Communal Fantasy?

1Robert Dole, "Public Television Should Reflect Mainstream Values" Culture Wars. 178.

2Though there is the implied contrast with whatever "your talking style" is.

3Brookhiser, 51.

4Ibid., 140.

5Lawrence Auster, "The U.S. Must Restrict Immigration to Prevent Cultural Disintegration" Culture Wars. 51

6Stalvey, 16.

7Brookhiser, 22.

8Nelson George, "Rap Music is Liberating" Culture Wars. 145.

9Todd Gitlin, "The Classics Must Be Broadened to Include Multicultural Literature" Culture Wars. 83.

10William Sierichs Jr. "Multicultural Education Is Helpful" Culture Wars. 114.

11Greely, 190.

12Pfeil, v.

13Greely, 191.