Welcome to Pineapple Leader's
TWERPS House Firearms Rules
Open on: 26 Apr 06
Updated: 07 May 06
This Web Page is all about TWERPS, The Worlds Easiest Role
Playing Game.
Firearms Rules
TWERPS has very simple rules for firearms. Where's the fun in that?
Generic Firearms
- Light Pistol - .22, .25, .32, .380 ACP (9mm K). +0 to hit. 2 damage. 5 hex range. 4c cost.
- Medium Pistol - 9mm, .40 S & W, .357 Magnum. +0 to hit. 3 damage. 5 hex range. 4c cost.
- Heavy Pistol - H.V. 9mm, 10mm, .45, .44 Magnum +0 to hit. 4 damage. 5 hex range. 4c
Sub-Machine Guns
- Light Sub-machine Gun (Machine Pistols) - .22, .32, 9mm K. +0 to hit. 2 damage. 6 hex
range. 8c cost.
- Medium Sub-machine Gun - 9mm. +0 to hit. 3 damage. 6 hex range. 8c cost.
- Heavy Sub-machine Gun - 10mm, .45, 5.56mm. +0 to hit. 4 damage. 6 hex range. 8c cost.
Rifles and Assault Rifles
- Light Rifle - .22, .25, .30. +1 to hit. 3 damage. 10 hex range. 6c cost.
- Medium Rifle and Medium Assault Rifle - 4.7mmC, 5.45mmR, 5.56mm (.223), 7.62mmR. +1
to hit. 4 damage. 10 hex range. 6c cost.
- Heavy Rifle and Heavy Assault Rifle - .30-06, 7.62mm. +1 to hit. 5 damage. 10 hex range.
6c cost.
- Very Heavy Rifle (Anti-Material Rifle) - .50, 12.7mm, 14.5mm. -2 to hit. 6 damage. 15 hex
range. 6c cost.
- All Shotguns do 1/2 Damage against Body Armor.
- Light Shotgun - .410 gauge. -1 to hit. 4 damage. 4 hex range. 6c cost.
- Medium Shotgun - 12 gauge. -1 to hit. 5 damage. 4 hex range. 6c cost.
- Heavy Shotgun - 10 gauge. -2 to hit. 6 damage. 4 hex range. 6c cost. Single shot. Double-
barreled only.
Machine Guns
- General Purpose Machine Guns (GPMP) - .30-06, 7.62mm. +1 to hit. 5 damage. 15 hex
range. 10c cost. Magazine capacity: 100 round linked belt. Requires 2 man crew, unless
vehicle mounted.
Firearms - Systems of Operation
- Revolvers - Single shot (ss)
- Semi-Automatic Pistols - Semi-automatic fire (sa)
- Sub-Machine Guns (SMG) - Single shot (ss), semi-automatic (sa), three-round burst (3rb), full
automatic fire (fa)
- Rifles - Single shot (ss)
- Semi-Automatic Rifles - Single shot (ss), semi-automatic fire (sa)
- Automatic Rifles and Assault Rifles - Single shot (ss), semi-automatic (sa), three-round burst
(3rb), full automatic fire (fa)
- Shotguns - Single shot (ss), semi-automatic (sa), full automatic fire (fa)
- General Purpose Machine Guns (GPMP) - Full automatic fire (fa) only.
Rates of Fire (ROF)
Rate of fire is the number of shots per turn.
- Single Shot (ss) - One shot at one target. Does listed damage. No additional modifiers.
- Semi-Automatic (sa) - Two shots at the same target, or one shot at two targets. Roll to hit for
each shot. Each shot does listed damage. Additional -1 modifier for the second shot.
- Three-Round Burst (3rb) - Can only fire at a single target. Does (listed damage).
Has an additional +1 modifier.
- Full Automatic Fire (fa) - Can target one person for each 5 rounds fired. Must have at least
10 rounds remaining in the weapon. Can fire the whole magazine or belt in the weapon at one
time. Must shoot at everyone in the target area. Does (listed damage x 2) if you fire on only one
target. Does (listed damage) to each target hit if more than one target is fired upon. Make
only one To Hit Roll for Full Automatic Fire. Apply all modifiers to this one roll. Has an
additional -1 modifier for each target fired upon. Modifiers are cumulative. First target is at -1,
Second target -2, Third target -3, and so on.
- Standard - Whatever your weapon normally fires. "Ball" for pistols and rifles, Buckshot for
shotguns, etc.. It does normal Damage.
- Armor Piercing (AP) - +2 to hit, against targets in boby armor. Does normal Damage. +0 to
hit against un-armored targets. Does Half Damage. AP rounds will go right thru un-armored
targets and walls.
- Frangible (Glasser Safety Slug) - Does Half Damage against armored targets. Does (Damage
x 2) against un-armored targets. Designed to fragment inside the first target hit. Will not
penetrate building walls. Used mainly in hostage rescue situations. Pistols and SMGs only.
- High Velocity (H.V.) - Usually used by maniacs in SMGs. +1 to hit all targets. Does normal
Damage. Ruins the weapon after prolonged use (TM decides "prolonged use").
- Hollowpoint - +1 to hit, against Un-armored targets. Does (Damage + 2). +0 to hit armored
targets. Does normal Damage.
- Slug (for Shotguns) - Add +1 hex to maximum range of the weapon. Does (Damage +2).
- Tracer - To get the bonus the weapon must use Full Automatic Fire. NEXT Turn you are +2 to
hit the Same Target. Does normal Damage. Usually used in General Purpose Machine Guns. A
large group of people/animals qualifies as Same Target for this bonus.
- Individual Rounds - Up to 3 individual rounds may be loaded each turn. This means that
revolvers, without speed loaders, take 2 turns to reload. Most shotguns take longer. To reload a
30 round magazine with individual rounds takes 10 turns.
- Clips, Magazines, Speed Loaders, Belts - It takes one turn to reload a weapon with these. If
you are reloading the clip, magazine or speed loader itself see Individual Rounds above.
Range Modifiers
- Firearms may not be fired at a target in the shooter's own hex (Range 0).
- Firearms and other missle weapons suffer a -1 modifier per each 3 hexes of range to the
- Heckler and Koch MP 5, 9mm, Medium SMG.
Magazine capacity 30 rounds.
ROF (Damage) Modifier: ss (3) +0, sa (3) -1 second shot, 3rb (3) +1, fa (6 one target) -1, (3) -1,
-2, -3, etc.
Range (Modifier): 1 - 3 hex (-1). 4 - 6 hex (-2)
Base +0 to hit. 3 Base Damage. 6 hex maximum range. 8c cost.
All grenades cost 8c.
Thrown Grenades are -1 to hit, Range = character's ST in hexes. Damage is by grenade type.
Damage is Doubled in enclosed spaces (inside rooms, in hallways, inside creatures, etc.)
Rifle Grenades are -1 to hit, Range = 10 hexes. Damage is by grenade type. Damage is
Doubled in enclosed spaces (inside rooms, in hallways, inside creatures, etc.)
- Defensive Grenade - Used by troops in hard cover. 5 Damage.
- Offensive Grenade - Used by troops advancing in the open. 4 Damage.
- Smoke Grenade - Causes no direct Damage. Used for signalling. Available in many colors.
The grenade gets very hot when making smoke and can start a fire if it lands near combustable
materials (leaves, grass, rugs, wood floors, etc.).
- Flash-Bang Grenade - Causes Stun Damage. Damage = Character is Blinded and Unable to
Move for a number of turns equal to 15 minus (1D10 + ST). Minimum of 1 turn. Used by hostage
rescue teams (HRT).
Grenade Damage Templets
- Standard Grenade Damage Templet (Defensive and Offensive Grenade Damage shown).
- Smoke Grenade - Smoke covers same area as Standard Grenade Templet.
- Flash-Bang Grenade - Effects cover same area as Standard Grenade Templet.
Rules To Speed-Up Play
- Ignore all Range Modifiers.
- Roll only one Defensive Roll for large groups of Non Player Characters (NPCs).
Copyright Notice:
TWERPS: The World's Easiest Role-Playing System and Reindeer Games (tm) and Action Maps
(tm) are © 1995 by Gamescience.
Disclaimer:This is a not_for_profit fan website. No money is made
from this site.
This site is not a challenge to, or, infringement of, any copyrighted, trade marked, or registered
trademarked materials. These materials remain the property of their owners, and are used
without permission, unless it says otherwise. This site is just for my (and hopefully other
peoples) personal amusement. You, not the site owner, are solely responsible for what you
do with what you see here. Please use it wisely.
Email: pineappleleader