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Welcome to Pineapple Leader's
TWERPS House Rules

Open on: 26 Apr 06
Updated: 30 Apr 06

This Web Page is all about TWERPS, The Worlds Easiest Role Playing Game.

House Rules


These are my House Rules for TWERPS. Because of the way TWERPS works as a game system, you will see some things here that may not make sense at first sight.

The highest STRENGTH that a normal human can have is 10 and the highest SKILL is +6. The average for a normal human starting character is STRENGTH 5 and SKILL +2.

Armor in TWERPS makes it harder to hit a character. It does not stop or lessen damage. This effects the way the whole game system works. How much damage a weapon does, is not as important as, how easy or how hard it is to hit the target. A +2 to hit is a big advantage.

Most of these House Rules have not yet been play-tested. They are being tested as they are being written down. As things are found that don't work, changes will be made to the site. There will be no record kept of these changes. You will look at the site one day and find that it has changed.

Enjoy yourself. Have a look around the site and let me know what you think.

House Rules Pages


Copyright Notice:  TWERPS: The World's Easiest Role-Playing System and Reindeer Games (tm) and Action Maps (tm) are © 1995 by Gamescience.
Disclaimer:This is a not_for_profit fan website. No money is made from this site. This site is not a challenge to, or, infringement of, any copyrighted, trade marked, or registered trademarked materials. These materials remain the property of their owners, and are used without permission, unless it says otherwise. This site is just for my (and hopefully other peoples) personal amusement. You, not the site owner, are solely responsible for what you do with what you see here. Please use it wisely.


Email: pineappleleader