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Pewter City

With its own Pokemon Center, Gym, Pokemon Mart, and Museum, Pewter City is a true metropolis, hustling and bustling with activity. Thi is also where you and your Pokemon will face your first major test of skill, battling it out with Brock, the leader of the Pokemon Gym.

Buildings in this area:

1. Museum

2. Pewter City Gym

3. Pokemon Center

4. Pokemon Mart

Poke Ball-200


Escape Rope-550


Burn Heal-250


Paralyze Heal-200

Hit the Big Time

You've come a long way from Pallet Town, so relax and enjoy the sights here in the big city. If you don't know your way around, just ask, and the locals will be happy to direct you to the Museum, or Gym. The exhibits on fossils and the space program are interesting, but you probably won't be able to make sence of the clues you'll pick up until later. Just keep in mind what you see and hear once you move to Mt. Moon.

Pewter City Gym

Most of the trainers you find in gyms will field two, three or even more Pokemon in Battle. Before you face Brock you must fight your way past one of his fellow trainers. The JR Trainer has both Diglet and Sandshrew at his command.

Getting a piece of Brock

Brock's Pokemon:

Geodude-Level 12

Onix-Level 14

Defeat Brock's Pokemon to receive his official Pokemon League badge as a reward. The Boulderbadge will give all your Pokemon a small boost in power. It will also combine with a Hidden Machine you'll find later and allow you to teach your Pokemon the Flash ability. Charmander's Fire-based powers will not make a dent in Brock's Rock-Type Pokemon. If you don't have Squirtle or Bulbasaur then Pikachu will be your best bet. Build Pikachu up to at least level 16 before you face Brock.