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This part of my site is info on how to take pictures of all 63 Pokemon in "Pokemon Snap".


Pidgey- Snap a few photos at the beggining of the level but for real good points take shots when they are attacking Meowth at the end of the stage.

Doduo- Because of its quick movement throw a apple or pester ball at it to knock it down. Then shoot away!

Pikachu- Throw apples towards the surf board, Pikachu when jump on it and pretend that its really surfing the board. Keep throwing pester balls into the first pile of grass to the left. (where Moewth is chasing the Pidgey) Soon 2 Pikachus will run out and jump on 2 stumps Catch them while they're jumping for joy.

Butterfree- Try to a picture of Butterfree when there is a whole bunch together and close up.

Snorlax- Play the PokeFlute and Snorlax will get up and dance. Throw pester balls at it and it will get up and yawn.

Meowth- You will see Meowth behind a hill to the right just past the Snorlax. Throw a pester ball to knock him down. Then Meowth will make a face and growl at you. Its quite funny! Near the end help Meowth by hitting the Pidgeys with pester balls. Meowth will then start to dance around.

Lapras- Look out into the ocean to find Lapras. The trick is to get it up close and lots of them around. Thats about all the info i can give you on Lapras.

Sycther- Keep throwing pester balls into the piles of grass, (where Meowth runs out) and Sycther will pop up doing some sort of slashing attack. Get while its like this.

Kangaskhan- Throw pester balls or apples at it to turn it around and roar at you. If you get it right you should be able to make 4000 points or higher.

Eevee- Catch Eevee as it is running after Chansey.

Chansey- Throw an apple or pester ball at Chansey so it unwinds and looks happy or sad.

Magikarp- Throw apples or pester balls into the water, Magikarp will then randomly pop out of the water.

Pokemon Sign- At the beggining of the stage look to the left of the Pikachu you should see the form of an Kingler. It is made up of rocks and stuff.


Pikachu- Keep taking a picture of Pikachu at the beggining of the stage so it will run and jump up on Electrobe. Inside the Tunnel throw apples near the egg to get Pikachu by it. Then play the play the Pokemon Flute so Pikachu does some Thunder Jolt thing. If your close enough to the egg it will burst open releasing Zapdos!

Electrobe- Throw an apple or pester ball at the non-moving ones so they will explode. Take a picture when they are in the middle of exploding.(when they're white. Also take pictures of the one rolling around.

Electrabuzz- Throw pester balls at the one at the beggining to knock it down. This is good because its close up. Also to the right of the Diglett and Pikachu take pictures of the 2 Electrabuzz when they are walking around. (See Zapdos) At the same place when their backs are facing towards you throw an at them so they will come over and do some electric thing.

Kakuna- Get a picture of Kakuna when there is lots of them hanging from the ceiling.

Zubat- Right when the doors open to the Tunnel start taking pictures because Zubat flies out fast!

Zapdos- Get Pikachu near the egg by throwing apples towards the egg. Then play the Pokemon Flute so Pikachu will burst open the egg. Get Zapdos when it comes right out of the egg. It will fly onto a generator and activate the Pokemon Sign and make the Electrabuzzes roam around because they don't have to use there energy to activate secret messages.

Magikarp- To the left of the generator throw apples and pester balls into the puddle of water.

Haunter- You will a purple ball flying around after Zapdos's egg and before the Diglett. Snap photos of it and when you see the picture it willl be of Haunter.

Diglett and Dugtrio- take a picture of the first Diglett so it will go back underground. Pikachu will run over to another to see another Diglett. Take another picture this one and Pikachu will find another Diglett. Take one more picture then Dugtrio will appear. Take a picture of it so more will appear.

Magnamite- Throw an apple towards one so it is distracted. The perfect time to take a picture.

Magnaton- Throw an apple in the center of the magnamites so they group together and form Magnaton.

Pokemon Sign- Just before the Magnamites to the left there will be a light shining on some objects forming a Pinsir as the shadow.

If you need any other help on this stage just e-mail me.