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Have you seen this boy?

Have you seen this boy?

We believe he disappeared around 2:45 October 23, 1998. He is 4'5", 150 lbs. He may look tall from a distance, but do not be deceived--this boy is very short and may strike at any moment. He has very large legs and can do bodily harm. He answers to Jeff. Well, actually, he doesn't answer at all. He may respond well to mushrooms. If you have seen him or at least seen someone that looks neat-o walking down the street, please contact us at 1-800 -FIND-JEFF . We believe that he may already be dead. He has not attended school in two weeks. We concluded that the only two reasons a person does not come to school are because they are dead or square. We ruled out "square" for Jeff for the sole reason that he is cool.

As of November 11, 1998, we have recovered Jeff. We found him shivering a ditch outside of an underground furniture department store. He is now happily attending school again, but we are still not sure he is alive.

Thank you for all your help in recovering him. If you have any comments you can still contact us at the above number.

As of September 18, 1999: Jeff has dropped out of school and out of our lives. Rumour has it that he is married with a child and living on Race Street in Martinsburg, probably in a lean-to with a faithful buddy burner with which to cook his Spaghetti-Os. Today I spotted him working at the grill at Taco Bell in Martinsburg. He didn't see me, but I'm sure if he had been the one to hand me my nachos, he would have also offered me hot sauce.

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