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Up The Garden Path
Series One 1987 (six episodes, repeated 1993 and 1998)
Series Two 1988 (eight episodes)
Series Three 1993 (six episodes)

Sitcom, written by Sue Limb and based on her novel of the same name, revolving around the life and loves of schoolteacher Izzy (Imelda Staunton).  Nicholas Le Prevost played Michael, her dashing but utterly unreliable married lover; Sion Probert and Marty Cruickshank played Gwyn and Maria, a couple with the most traumatic ‘open relationship’ in the history of the world; and Mike Grady (cast firmly in type) appeared as Dick, the dense but dependable pottery teacher.  After two series, the programme was picked up by Granada and three TV series were made featuring some of the original cast; Series Three of the radio version appeared after all of these had gone out, and brought Izzy’s story to a different conclusion.

© JB Sumner 1998.  Modified 21/10/98