Yeah, you know who Canadibrit is. She says she's not Daria, but WE know the truth, right?
She's one darn good author and basically my beta reader. Stuff will be added as she
produces it.
Look-Alike Series - season 1
A Meeting of the Brains
Daria and Jane go back to school and find... a girl who looks almost exactly like Daria! Watch the rumor mill
turn and the nervous breakdowns commence as Lynn Cullen enters the hallowed halls.
The Things We do For Dough
Daria, Jane, and Lynn face a horrifying prospect: NO MORE PIZZA! Can they raise enough money to keep their
after-school pizza fests going?
Poetic Injustice
Ms. Li presents Daria and Lynn with a writing assignment: Sing the praises (what praises?) of LHS or be
locked in the wacky ward! Will the two girls survive this ordeal?
Run Away From Homecoming
Jane's doing the junior class homecoming float. Ms. Barch gets Mack kicked off the team. Can Daria and Lynn get
him back on in time for the big game, or will Kevin be the team captain?
The Lanes have a Halloween party. Watch the excitement!
Swear to be Different
Lynn gets expelled for standing up for a student (you'll be surprised for who), and Daria and Jane won't
stand for it. So CAN a bunch of scruffy kids make a difference? Watch the fur fly!
Grating Expectations
Jodie, straining under the pressure of being a model student, submits a subversive article to the Lowdown and
is kicked out of her extra activities. Who will she turn to for help?
Lady and the Tank
Bored, bored, BORED!!! The threesome, bored to tears, join Mystik Spiral on a road trip to a gig.
Will love blossom over stale Twinkies, warm orange soda, and a dead van motor?
And Then There Were Four
And you thought three's a crowd! Lynn's best male friend from Oakwood gets expelled and transfers to good ol'
"Laaaaawndale Hiiiiigh". Sure, he helps the girls torture people, but is there some chemistry behind the
Kiss and Tell
School dance. Required attendance. Mystik Spiral performing. Need I say more? Probably, but I won't.
Love Him or Leave Him
After that dance, the "Flack-Jacket Mafia" has disbanded, and Quinn has to choose whether she'd rather
have a boyfriend than the Fashion Club position. Will things ever be the same?
World Geek Show
Ms. Li has the sort-of rebanded group representing LHS in an IQ showcase. Will they let her go
easy? (Does a snowball stand a chance in hell?)
The Flack-Jacket Mafia
Ms. Li attempts to pin a criminal reputation on the foursome, that rumor mill starts turning again, and Lynn
gets the others into a devious plot to oust the Nazi Jackboot once and for all...
Rue Brittania
Over Christmas break, Daria, Jane, Lynn, AP, and Mystik Spiral go to London. Watch the fun!
Season 2
Many Are Culled
The new principal sends everyone to a guidance counselor, who tries to tell Daria, Jane, and Lynn
NOT to follow the professions they want to. That night, they have nightmares about what their futures
will be if their dreams DON'T work out...
Mercedes Bends
Daria and AP attempt the "date-thing"... and it's not exactly nice to Lynn's car.
Miss Conception
Ever wonder what the consequences of Lynn and Trent's New Year's actions were? Read this story and
find out!
Fashion policing goes more than one way? Is that even possible? Yes, as Quinn finds out when she's
invited to... meet Ted's parents!
Blind Audition
Daria should be the only person Lynn is a status threat to, right? WRONG!
A Hard Day's Write
Lynn's favorite online bookstore is having a short story contest. Both the look-alikes enter, and the
inevitable wackiness ensues. (Apologies on CB's behalf to those of you who have Beatles songs running
amok in your head while reading this.)
Misshapen Identity
In the aftermath of "A Hard Day's Write", one of the look-alikes goes into "denial phase" about being
like the other... Be forewarned: The insanity may scare you.
The Parent Crap
(Hmm, let's see if I can be cute and rhyme here, shall we?) Helen's watched a bit too much TV, and carnage
at Grove Hills with Lynn and AP. (*bows* Thank you, thank you *so* much.)
How the Other Half Lives
Most of the girls are mad at their parents, Andrea just wants in on the excitement, there's a girls-only crash-out
party, and the guys are determined to get in...
The Blind Leading the Blunt
Daria's glasses get broken, and the closest thing the store has is... read and see.
Daria immerses herself in a *big* writing project and, as Crazy Nutso would say, a lot of other
stuff happens.
It's A Passable Life
If you didn't see it coming from the title, I'm not gonna tell you.
The hardest-to-spell LAS title yet, not to mention a bang-up (literally!) conclusion to Season 2.
Growing Cynical
Lynn and AP's adventures in Oakwood. Takes place directly after "Liaisons".
Professional Help
Lynn doesn't like guidance counselors. After she scares one with what she wants to be when she grows
up (not really though), things get near deadly...
A Sporting Mischance
Being forced into a sport can make thing interesting. The "roller hockey saga" as mentioned in "A Hard
Day's Write" gets explained.
Hail Cullen, Well Met
By now, you *must* have wondered how Lynn and AP met. Wonder no more...
Protest March
Lynn said she was in the school marching band. But she didn't go into details... here they are!
Rock Banned
Right before the previous story took place, Lynn gets forced into starting a band.
Season 3
To Kill a Misery Chick
The conscious Jacketeers attend a funeral, and Daria meets her biological father. So, is Lynn gonna
wake up or not?
Sister, Sister
The title that's been waiting to happen since day 1... and possibly Daria's worst writer's block
since "Write Where It Hurts".
An Irony of Errors
Lynn comments on something that Mr. O'Neill turns into a suggestion. So now the class is performing
"Romeo and Juliet". You'll never guess who gets the title roles...
The Lawndale Witch Project
Daria and Lynn head to the woods for the weekend to research the Lawndale witch, and their friends start
searching for THEM when they don't come home...
Admission: Impossible
Daria heads back to Casa Morgendorffer (after leaving to avoid killing Quinn). Speak of her, she's trying to patch
things up between the two of them. And everyone wants to know what the hey is up with Lynn...
Teachers' Pests
One-on-one tutoring pits the Jacketeers up against Lawndale's dumbest. They may not survive it, though...
Thrash of the Titans
There's a Battle of the Bands happening, so of course Mystik Spiral is gonna get in on it. And a few
of lynn and AP's old "friends" are there too...
Job Lots
Fundraising for the play? Welcome to slave day, boys and girls.
Gym Dandy
Ms. Barch tries to resign, which is deflected by an experiment with co-ed gym classes.
But it ends up landing Jane in a *very* familiar sitch...
None of Your Affair
Parental units Morgendorffer start patching things up betwixt them. And we finally find out who
that Rust guy is. Depending on how good you are at guessing stuff like that, you may want to
kick yourself for not guessing THIS...
X Marks the Maverick
Too much pizza with weird toppings + one long X-Files marathon = AP has a weird dream. Anyone
else think he was trying to sort things out?
Sets and the Single Girls
Jane gets to do set designs, which may lead to the most interesting background for R&J to date. Speaking of
dates, the Yenta girl herself gets set up for one.
Love's Labour
It's time for the play... but where art thou, Cullen?
Tour of Duty
All at once or in little bits?
Mystik Spiral's goin' on a U.S. of A. tour, but there's more going on than THAT...
Season 4
Lost and Found
Daria and Quinn get dragged off on ANOTHER vacation as soon as they get home, courtesy of worrisome
parents. And then Lynn disappears again, freaking everybody out for a bit.
A new student (you should be able to guess if you've been following) shows up at LHS, and the
Jacketeers... well, react. Rather adversely.
Parental Discretion
Daria's biological and familial fathers meet... and other stuff happens.
Banded For Life
Mr. Caldwell is going for a special homecoming, so he sticks some people in the marching band. And what's
all this about subversive cheerleaders?
The Prisoner of Zelda
AP doesn't want to think about things either (not surprising), so he loses himself in Nintendo world. Methinks
he reeally should think about real life a bit more, don't you think?
Bare Aquaintances
Another Halloween party, with a theme that really makes the characters think...
Children of the Scorn
Chez Cullen is finally sole property of Lynn... just in time for her mother to resurface. (Insert
dramatic chord here.)
Secrets and Lies
Hmmm... someone knows a LOT more about "things" than the Jacketeers thought... Suspense
killing you yet? Good. Read the fic and it'll stop. ^_^
A Dated Concept
After the events of "Secrets and Lies", a Lawndale High couple needs to talk but isn't. Things,
as they always seem to do, fall into care of Daria and Company...
Display Model
The principal, after catching a few too many people partaking in PDA, instiutes a VERY dumb
rule to "fix" that. And boy, does he hear about it! (Am I the only one thinking we may
need a replacement principal for Ms. Li's replacement here?)
Other Canadibrit Projects
Behind The Glasses II
Following the ever-popular "Behind the Glasses".
Behind the Glasses 3
Yet another follow-up in the BTG saga.
I Am (not) Daria!
CB always says that she's not a real-life Daria, no matter what is said otherwise. So what would she do if she
woke up one day and actually WAS Daria?