J, Daria message board frequenter and author of the "Don't Call Him Hearing Impaired"
series, was kind enough to grant me permission to post his work on my page. Enjoy the
Damien's Day at Lawndale Hell
A new kid in Daria and Jane's classes. And seems that Daria is the only one who can communicate with him... weird, or what?
No More Deviants
LHS gets two more crazy people - Damien's brother and older sister. Plus, we get to see what Damien did
to Mr. Schneider...
Casting Call
Daria said she only does extra-curriculars on a bet or under the threat of a worse evil. See the worse evil
be threatened... and what the School Anti-Spirit Club talks her into.
Why Don't You Get a Job
The cast of "Othello" is doing exactly that. Well, for one day, but that *should* provide enough humiliation for
all involved...
Life at Rehearsal
Hey look, everyone's practicing. The directors (yes, plural, someone new shows up) know what
they're doing. Now if we could just say the same for most of the actors...
Relatively True
Who could turn siblings sharing a water bottle into... eww... better than Kevin overhearing
an out-of-context comment? I'm hard-pressed to think of anyone.