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This isn't anything terribly special, just some basic stuff you might want to know when you see Magic Knight Rayearth.

Cephiro: Cephiro is the mystical setting of this story. It was once a beautiful place where everyone got along until Princess Emeraude, who is considered to be a pillar of Cephiro - is taken by the evil enimes and then the land begins to get destoryed.

Magic Knights: The Magic Knights are part of an old legend that has been passed on to all the people that live in Cephiro. It is said that if Cephiro should ever have a cricis and be in danger, three beings from a different world would be summoned to become Magic Knights and save Cephiro form the evil forces.

Rune Gods/Mashin: Very powerful machine-like gods for The Magic Knights to ride inside of. To be awakened, each Knight must find their mashin. Once activated, the Knights can enter a cockpit within the armor to control it.

Pillar: Cephiro is held together by what is called The Pillar of Cephiro. The Pillar of Cephiro is a person who gives themself to the land and never stops praying for it's existance.

Escudo: Is the mineral the Magic Knights search for in the fountain of Eterna. Escudo is need in order for Presea to create the proper weapons to help them accomplish their quest.

Clamp: 4 (Once there was 6, but obviously two of the women left) wonderful artists, who have joined to together to draw the beautiful pictures that made up Magic Knight Rayearth, and other Anime/Manga known as X/1999, and Card Captor Sakura.


Umi Ryuuzaki
Hikaru Shidou
Fuu Hououji
Other Characters
English Lyrics
Manga Summary


Smashed Ice