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Welcome to Roger Rohnstrom's Homepage (or hemsida)


Welcome to my home page.
Please be welcome to surf around and make yourself at home.
We live in the exciting city of Stockholm, Sweden.Before we lived in Beijing, China and Montreal, Canada for the last 9 years and had the pleasure to travel around in China and Canada.I hope you like my pages and will write something in my guest book before you leave.

Travel Stories
California Arizona trip
California, Summer 97
Arizona Dec.1997 - Jan. 98

Add Me! My collection of free Internet stuff, like web hosting, submits, tracker, guest book, and counters.
Peter ForsbergMy Peter Forsberg Picture Collection, largest on the web.
Links to Friends
[Kicki's Decorative Paintings] [Brother Tommy in Sweden] [Anders Askerup in Omaha]
[Poj in Sweden] [Trädgårdshus 1 Stockholm] [Mats Hammarstam in Bålsta, Sweden]
[Lotta o Lars i Montreal, Canada.] [ISI riders, my old Soccer team] [Risto Klint - Stock Illustrations]
[Anna och Hanz Häger] [Patrik's Speedway achievements] [Adirondack stolar]
[Brorsan coverband, Winniepig Jane] [Bilder från W.P spelning] [Mondemo AB, partytält]

Useful World Wide Links
[Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages] [Bli rik, tjäna pengar] [3D Animated Flags--By Crames Studios, We Are 3DTM]
[Get your free email, I'm using it] [ESPN NHL site] [Swedish Stock Market Info]
[Yahoo Search Engine] [NHL official site] [Swedish Dagens Nyheter, Stock info]
[Altavista Search Engine] [CNN Markets] [WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide]
[Send SMS to a GSM Mobile] [Spara pengar] [Cheap long distance calling]

[My home page awards]
If you wants to reach me, send email to Before you surf away, leave some prints in my guestbook!
extreme tracker Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Latest edited: 01-03-05

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This page was established in June 19th, 1998.
© Copyright, Roger Rohnström 2004