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The Wolf Cub Salute

The Wolf Cub Salute is done by holding the right hand to the head with two fingers spread out to look like the pointed ears of a wolf. The salute is a very old form of greeting. It is a sign of respect and friendship for a leader or another Cub. Long ago, warriors greeted each other by holding up their hand to show that they had no weapon in it.

The Wolf Cub Handshake

Cubs and Scouts shake with the left hand to show that they are all members of the worldwide Scouting family. Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of Cubbing and Scouting, once met an African chief who greeted him by shaking with the left hand. The chief explained that the left handshake was a sign of trust. Warriors used to hold their shields in the left hand and had to put them down before they could shake with that hand.

The Wolf Cub Motto

The Wolf Cub Motto is "Do Your Best" or "DYB." It reminds us that we have promised to always do our best, to try our hardest, according to our own abilities.