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The Outdoors

Hiking Badge

1. Know how to take care of your feet for everyday walking through washing, toenail clipping, wearing clean, dry socks, and having proper fitting shoes.

2. Know how to treat a blister on the foot, insect bites, hypothermia, and overheating. Discuss the importance of getting adequate rest while hiking.

3. Discuss some safety rules for hiking, such as:
(a) staying with the group and using a buddy system
(b) keeping on designated trails
(c) keeping the group together
(d) having enough drinking water and food
(e) carrying a first aid kit, whistle, and spare clothes

4. Describe what to do if lost.

5. Know some rules for protecting nature when hiking.

6. Go on four hikes of 1 to 2 hours long, some of which could be in a conservation area or park, around your camp, around your community, or at night.

7. Prepare a nutritional trail mix to eat and share.