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All About Amie!

This is a survey that Alicia got in the mail from her friend and decided to use as the basis for our All About Us pages, so enjoy!

Name: Amie

Nickname(s): Ame-ster, Ami-kins, Benster, Satan, the Cool Red Headed Chick, EMO!

Birthday: February 4th, 1986 baby!


AOL screenname(s):DuctTapeGoats is the one that can be used to holler at me

Yahoo screenname(s): none

Homepages: The FABULOUS Alicia and Amie's Sailor Moon Homepage!!!!!

Computer(s): A very crapy Packard Bell

School: currently Holyoke High...

Kind of student?: it's scary to think that I'm one of the smarter people at school... I'm not stupid but I am SUCH a ditz sometimes...

Fav. Teacher of All Time: Mr. T form MD

Fav. Grade:8th grade was my best year ever I think. I got along with everyone in my class and we are so close. I miss those people a lot.

What do u wanna be: i would love to be a musician. I love my guitar more than anything else I own... except maybe my CDs and new stereo. But that seems very unlikely, but definetly something that has to do with music.

Top 5 Fav Girl Names: - Joyce - Juliana - ? - ? - ?

Top 5 guy names you like: - Jeremy - Alex? - Dan? - Rob? - MWUAHAHA

Top 5 Actresses you like: Drew Berrimore I guess...

Top 5 actors you like: I don't really have a favorite

Favorite Movie(s): BUBBLE BOY!!! Mall Rats... 80's movies are always choice

Favorite Kinda movies: comedy and sappy love stories

Favorite 3 bands: SAVES THE DAY, Alkaline Trio, and A.FI.

Favorite Senshi: Chibi Moon!

Favorite 3 guy singers: Chris Conoly, Matt Skiba, and Davey Havock

Favorite Girl Singers: i don't listen to any girl singers really...

Fav Book(s): Jemima J. was pretty good, I still like to read the Anne books and I admit it, I read Harry Potter LoL

Who's your fav relative(s): my Nana

Fav. Colour(s): Purple and Black

Fav. College: After I go to a couple I'll tell you

Fav. Store(s): Daddy's Junky Music, Hot topic, Best Buy

Fav. Poem(s): umm... I haven't read that many so I can't really say

Fav. Newschannel: ??

Fav. T.V. show(s): the Osbournes is funny, the Simpsons rock and I love to watch cartoons

Fav. Cartoon Shows: the Fairly Odd Parents is funnt, I love the Power Puff Girls and i like Brace Face

Fav. Kinda People: excepting people. I know that I am not the nicest person all the time and that I make snap judgemenst, but who doesn't? I try to take people for what they even if I disagree with some of the things that they do.

Best Movie of 2004: i don't go to the movies a lot so anything that I might say for this would probobly be really off base.

Best Book you've read in School: The Giver was really good

Best Sport: SOCCER!!!!

Best New artist in music: I could not tell you

Best Songs: holy cow... "Freakish" and "Sell my old Cloths I'm off to Heaven" by Saves the Day, "Maybe I'll Catch Fire" and "Bleeder" by the Alkaline Trio, pretty much anything by A.F.I., but especially "Bleed Black". Less Than Jake sings about things that are important as well as things that are funny. I love music too much...

Best Kinda Music: EMO. Hands down. I know that people like to think that I listen to that because I'm scurrently single but REAL emo bands don't sing about only broken hearts, they sing about family and friends as well as people they were romanticall interested in. And in my opinion songs that lack emotion, whatever kind it may be, are not worth listening to.

What do you wish ur name could be: I like my name it's spelled cool! But I wouldn't mind if it were a bit more memorable to certain people...

What you wish you could do out of these 3 things(fly,be invisible,x-ray vision) If I could choose I would (and in this order) fly, be invisible, and then have x-ray vision

What would you rather be, put a star by it - rich and alone - poor and without family - perfectly fine and with 1 child* - 10 children in a shoe!!!

Who knows you the best: Alicia does!! She's my bestest friend in the whole world

Who has been friends with you the longest: Leashy!

Who are your friends: Alicia, Andrea, Kayleigh, Lauren, Jessica, Erin, Kelsey, Emily, Kerri, Paige, Hanna, Heather and Jackie... to name a few

Who is ur best friend: Alicia and Angie

Who can you trust the most: Alicia and Angie... that's why they are my best friends

Who fights with you the most: I think that Kayleigh and I clash the most... even if we try not to show it.

Who fights with you the least: Alicia and Angie

Who is the best athlete(s): umm...

Who sings best: Alicia and Erin, no contest there

Who is most likely to succeed: Alicia because she is sooo smart!!!

Who is Most like you: Alicia I think because we think alike. Kay and I have a lot in common but our minds are very dissimilar.

Who do you like: HA! "Ugh" and Dan I guess... even though the attraction to both is fading. Slowly but surely.

Who do you think likes you: those gross twins... and I know this guy House does. Why me??

Who usually likes you: a LOSER ;.;

Who do you crush on: people who love music like I do

Do you like someone famous: I always tell people I'm going to marry Chris Conoly, but I'm pretty sure that'll never happen. But a girl can dream can't she?

If yes who: Chris!

Who do you have for best friend on opposite gender: I really don't hang out with too many guys. But if I had to choose... either Scott of Cory because I always talk to them. Or Ryan.

Who do you care about the most: My Family and Friends

Do you like gossip: Is the day long?

Do you spread rumors: I like to think of it is telling stories

Do you think it is mean: No, because I don't do it to hurt people. I only share things with a select few and I know that what I say to them won't be carried to far.

Are you in luv?: No ;.;

List the guys/girls you liked the most when you were going out best to least: I've never had a serious BF so i couldn't say

Do you secretly like sumone from school: Yes... even though the secret is only a secret from him

What is your fav. kinds of food(french,italian.mexican)- French because of French FRIES!!!!! and they have pretty good toast too

Do you like fast food?: Who doesn't?

If yes where: BK!!

What's ur fav real restaurant: MEL'S!!! Friendly's... I can also be found at Denny's fairly often

Do you like pickles?: Clausons!!!

Fav Kind of foods: Fries and Veggies

Fav. Holiday: Christmas

Fav. day of the week: Saturday(guitar lesson day:-) )

Fav. Month: June

Any Final Words?: If you have read all about me that it AMAZING!!!!

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We believe this is what Amie would look like if she were a Sailor Senshi!