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Amie's News


(4-20-06) Still wishing they would release a Sailor Moon live action movie in the US? Your prayers may be answered. A recent article on the subject may be found here. *Warning* Full-fledged fans, you may not like what the article has to say.

(3-26-06) Do you enjoy dubbed Sailor Moon? Wish you could see the Stars Season dubbed? Well if you haven't heard yet, there is a place called Negavision that had been dubbing Sailor Moon stars episodes for quite a few years now. We've seen several of them hehe, mostly because our friend Kristy plays Sailor Jupiter, and they did a very good job! Anyway, currently they have a a full length sample of episode 173 on their website so check it out here: Negavision

(3-16-06) Whoo it's been awhile!! I love how anime has become so popular over the last few years, Blockbuster Online and Rent Anime have certainly become some of our favorite places to rent new and old anime series! Some of our new favorites? Revolutionary Girl Utena, Azumanga Daioh, Wedding Peach, Gate Keepers, and the list goes on! Alicia recently got the Sailor Moon Stars season off of e-bay so that is definitely cause for celebration!

Ok and now for some fun facts! Want to know more about the German version of Sailor Moon? OF COURSE you do! Well I found a great site that tells you all about it and I don't want to steal any info so please visit The Sailor Senshi Place to find out more! Alright everyone that is all for today, stay healthy and out of trouble!

(12-11-03) A few days ago, I saw in stores that Season 2 is also out.. So stock up for Christmas!! Also, for all of you manga collectors, all of the sailor moon mangas have been released at this time. There is a total of 17 of them and to buy them all at once would cost you a little under $190.. They are about $10 a pop and there are a total of 10 regular season, which contains SMS as well, 4 SuperS, and 3 Stars. Alicia has them all and we hope you do too! Happy Holidays!

(7-25-03) 10 days ago, that's right on July 15, 2003, A.D. Vision realeased something which fans have been waiting for for years! "Sailor Moon - Season One - Complete and Uncut" is now available in an 8 disc DVD boxset! It has the play option of Japanese with english subtitles however I am not certain whether it plays in English or not.. Not like that really matters. I have seen prices for this item ranging from $149-$80 throughout the internet, so if you have the money, happy price hunting and enjoy! We hope the box set has been worth the wait!

(8-1-01) Wow! It has been a long time! We have just recieved an e-mail from someone named Matteo talking about Sailor Moon in Italy and just HAVE to put it up for news! We would like to first of all publicly thank Matteo. THANK YOU!!!! Now here is the news:

First of all here are the names of all the series...
I Sailor Moon
II Sailor Moon la luna splende (translation: sailor moon the moon is shining)
III Sailor Moon e il cristallo del cuore (sailor moon and the heart's crystal)
IV Sailor Moon e il mistero dei sogni (sailor moon and the dreams' mystery)
V Petali di stelle per Sailor Moon (stars' petals for sailor moon)

Now the names of Sailors Senshi:
Sailor Moon: BUNNY
Sailor Mercury: AMY
Sailor Mars: REA
Sailor Jupiter: MOREA
Sailor Venus: MARTA
Sailor Chibiusa: CHIBIUSA
Sailor Uranus: HELES
Sailor Neptuno (in italian series she was called Sailor Neptuno, not Sailor Neptune): MILENA
Sailor Pluto: SYDIA
Sailor Saturn: OTTAVIA
Tuxedo Kamen: when he is henshined MILORD, when he is "normal" MARZIO

Thanx Again!!

(6-25-01) For some reason (uknown to anyone at this web site) Sailor Moon has stopped airing on Cartoon Network. I'm NO dubber but I like to watch the show anway. Alicia says that its goes off for awhile so when it comes back on the ratings will be higher. If there is another reason that it was taken off the air e-mail me and I might put it up.

(3-06-01)Yes, it's been a long time since we've put up some news, were sorry. Alicia was searchin on a Sailor Moon site the other day(yes it just so happened to be all in spanish ^-^.. Skills I say!) and found something that seemed to be pretty interesting. These are some of the senshi names in Spanish!
Sailor Moon Spanish Names:
BUNNY (Moon)
AMI (Mercury)
RAY (Mars)
PATRICIA (Jupiter)
CAROLA (Venus)
CHIBI USA (Chibi Moon)
TIMMY(Uranus)... o.O
ANDREA (Guerrero Saturno)

Well, that is all for now ^^, Ja!

(1-15-01)(The first entry of the new millenium!!!) We haven't been getting alot of news lately(that was worth putting in here) so the latest that we have is that the Sailor Moon movie SMSS is on sale dubbed and subtitled!!! Alicia and I have it and it is really good(Alicia has only seen the sub and I've only seen the dub so you may have to wait for our comments on the dub)!!! It's one of the best yet!!!

(12-8-00..Woah we started dating them) Well, many people have been hasseling us about if the Stars season is comming out, frankly, we don't know. Many of the people who only watch the dub are yearning for it to come out. Although the dubs have been becoming closer to the original, we still believe that Stars is the most SENSATIVE season. The context of Sailor Moon S and SuperS was greatly altered in the new dub and we fear for Stars if it is released. Oh well let's hope for the best, whatever that may be. Ohh!! And BTW.. a Final Fantasy movie is supposed to be coming to theaters soon for anyone interested in knowing that.

(11-12-00)You know those old Sailor Moon Plush dolls? Well, they are trying to like make them look new again and put out a new commercial for them... The commercial stinks! There are these little girls who carry around the dolls like they would a baby, and then it shows them sleeping with them and stuff. Plus the song is real corny! We'll probably be seeing this alot, especially on Cartoon Network, so be prepared ^.~

They have come out with new Sailor Moon dolls!! If you have seen the comercial too you know that they look like they are high, but at least it is publicity for Sailor Moon. It could have been a better comercial, and said what Sailor Moon is, but, nothing we can do.

SuperS Has Started on Cartoon Network at 4:30 eastern time. Here are a few little comments about it... Zirconia has been turned into a guy.. Fisheye is a girl.. They still have the original Japanese music, which is good, Some of the attack phrases have been altered. Helios/Pegasus sounds like he is 40, Tigerseye sounds like he's 17(he's supposed to sound much older, trust me, we know), and at times the words and mouth movement doesn't go together at ALL! Well, these are just opinions, for people who haven't seen SupserS before, you should like it. But for the rest of us, watch at your own risk, LoL j/k.

We're opening a Fan Fic center so if you have any Fan Fics that you would like to be put on our page please send them to Alicia and she will put them up with your name on them, and also if you wish to be nameless that can be arranged too. If you send in any stories make sure that they are clean or they will NOT be put up. Also it may take awhile for the fanfic center to actually be processed, because we aren't getting alot of response. Please send in you Fan Fics!!!!

The SMS Dub movie has been released in stores. It is cheaper than the subtitled movie, but if you are like Alicia and I, and you don't like the dubbed movies, then you can most likely find the subtitled movies at any Media play store, or at places like! In our opinion, we think the subs are MUCH better, but some people may think otherwise. Either way, the movies themselves are still great!

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