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Fan Art

Welcome to the Fan art section of our homepage! We have fan art from many artists so if you would like your fan art up here.. E-mail Alicia.(*note* no hentai please, and it does not just have to be Sailor Moon fan art.)

The first group of pictures are by Alicia.. The owner of this page, duh ^.~ Click on the image to view a larger version!

This is Alicia's First Drawing ever, so Chibi-usa looks... terrible! This is her second drawing ever of Usagi It's Sailor Mars.. This is one of our favorites! This one came out pretty good, it's Sailor Jupiter Here is Ami, he eyes came out rather messed up This is Sailor Moon, there are SOO many mistakes in this so it is hardly our favorite The sailor senshi as kids ^.~ This one came out really well of minako, but it looks better on paper because the scanner messed it up a little bit This one came out ok looking, maybe a little dark, it's Princess Serenity Sailor Venus, poorly colored on the most part aheh This is the Senshi that Alicia RPs as with her friends, Her name is Sailor Lollipop. I actually like the way this was colored This is Lily, Sailor Lollipop's true identity. Some of the color got messed up. Sailor Lollipop, this one isn't colored in but it's still nice I love this picture of lily, I colored it in on my Computer and I think it came out REALLY well.
If you have any Suggestions for things Alicia should draw.. Tell her!

The second group of pictures are by RainbowMoon2000. E-mail her or visit her site: The Moon Palace ..Click on the image to view a larger version!

Eternal Sailor Moon Another one of Eternal Sailor Moon

The third group of pictures are by Click on the image to view a larger version!

Sailor Mercury

The fourth group of pictures are by Sailor Ashieyu. E-mail her or visit her site: Ashieyu's Sailor Sanctuary ..Click on the image to view a larger version!

Sailor V and Artemis!

The fifth group of pictures are by Sailor Dazzle. E-mail the artist or visit their site: ..Click on the image to view a larger version!

A Manga pic of Sailor Jupiter

The sixth group of pictures are by Rainbowangel523. E-mail her or visit her site: ..Click on the image to view a larger version!

Sailor V and Artemis!

The seventh group of pictures are by So feel free to e-mail comments to her about her work..Click on the image to view a larger version!

Neo Queen Serenity! Same as above but closer

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