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Japanese name: Makoto Kino or Kino Makoto
DiC Name: Lita
Blood type: O
Birthday: December 5th
Age: 14 at the beginning of the show and 16 at the end.
Height: Around 5"6 or 5"8
Favorite Subjects: Home Economics and History
Least Favorite Subject: Physics
Favorite Foods: Meatloaf, Cherry Pie
Least Favorite Food: None
Favorite Gemstone: Emerald
Favorite Animal: Horse
Favorite Pass-time: Reading Romance Novels, Playing Sports
Likes: Food and cooking!
Dislikes: Planes(Her parents were killed in one as a child)

Sailor Jupiter's ATTACKS and HENSHIN Phrases:

Jupiter Power, make up! (Jupiter Power) Says this to transform into Sailor Jupiter in the first season.

Supreme Thunder! (Jupiter Thunder[bolts] Crash!) Captures lightning bolts from an antenna in her tiara. Then directs the lightning at an enemy.

Jupiter Star Power, make up! (Jupiter Star Power) Says this to transform into Sailor Jupiter in the second season.

Supreme Thunder Dragon! (Jupiter Thunder Dragon) Forms a thunder dragon from her tiara, and the dragon swallows an opponent, electrocuting them.

Sparkling Wide Pressure! (Jupiter Thunderclap Zap) Forms a thunderclap from her tiara and hurls it at an enemy. Main attack for Sailor Moon R and S.

Jupiter Crystal Power, make up! Says this to transform into Super Sailor Jupiter.

Super Supreme Thunder! Powered up "Supreme Thunder" attack. Only used once.

Jupiter Oak Evolution! Creates a large amount of leaves then spins and hurls the leaves at an enemy.

Flower Hurricane! Spins flowers around (think of Jupiter Oak Evolution), and then hurls the flowers at the enemy.

Jupiter Coconut Cyclone! Another attack where she blasts the enemy with a cyclone.

The Three Best Things About Makoto
  • Mako is so strong, so she is very useful with a strong enemy
  • Let's face it, she's and awesome cook!
  • She also has her sensitive side and tries her best to be womanly... well sometimes

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