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Mamoru/Tuxedo Kamen

Name(Japanese): Chiba Mamoru
Name(Dic): Darien
Age: About 20
Birthday: August 3
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Favorite Color: Black
Blood type: A
School: Azabu Institute of Technology (university)
Job: Works at movie studio
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Chocolate
Least Favorite Food: None
Favorite Subject: Physics
Least Favorite Subject: None
Hobbies: Reading
Parent info: Parents died in car crash, lived at orphanage
Other Identies: Moonlight Knight(appears when Ail and Ann come and Mamoru has lost his memory)... The Moonlight Knight was formed out of Mamoru's sub-concious to help the Sailor senshi especially Sailor Moon


Tuxedo Kamen Attacks

Rose Throw: Has a ton of very sharp roses hidden away somewhere, Tuxedo Kamen always uses his roses exactly at the right time(suprise suprise) and sometimes they are so powerful they could kill someone(example, when he just about killed Queen Beryl before Metallia saves her). When Tuxedo Kamen is turned evil

Cane Extension:He uses this only once to save Usagi, sometimes he uses his can also to stop someone if the are using a sword or something sharp and are about to harm someone(an example of this is in the SMR movie when he tries to stop Fiore from hurting Sailor Moon)

Tuxedo the Smoking Bomber: This is used in the Manga by Tuxedo Kamen, he uses it sometimes to reflect a power back at someone or to let out energy from his hand at someone.

Pyschometry: Mamoru himself has this power in teh Manga. By touching something he puts out a strange aura from his finger tips not only allowing him to read something but to heal someone or even attack them as well.

Moonlight Knight's Attacks:

Sword Attack: Well not really an attack, he just stands there looking pretty fighting with the sword.

White Rose: rose it is pretty much for show to announce his presence.

Long Speeches: I would say those are an attack.. they are so boring they can put anyone to sleep! Does he ever just be quiet sometimes?

The Three Best Things About Mamoru

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