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Misty's Fashion Show

Misty's Fashion Show

Welcome to Misty's Fashion Show!!! I am your host for the evening, Amie!! Tonight you will see lovely outfits modeled by the beautiful Misty!!! I designed all the outfits myself and they will look good on her, because they would look good on me since we kinda look the same ^^; anyway welcome to our show and if you want to wast-- spend money on these lovley clothes order forms are over there ----> ENJOY!!!!

Here our lovely Misty sports a real American-girl look even if she is Japanese..And look how happy Togapi is!!!! Does that flower smell good Misty? This is a great start to our show ^^ Next.

You go Misty!! You keep Ash in line! I hear he likes pushy women! What do you mean "How would I know?" That's none of your business!! Anyway, be careful of that Brock fellow, I hear some things about him.....

Oh lovely Misty.. Even though that is not part of your waredrobe...A real crime fighter today aren't we?? Um.. Go change though, before Usagi comes!! What do you mean no?!? Who said you could talk back to me in that manner?!?! Change I say!!! No, not in the middle of the stage!!! That's it... USAGI!!!! ::Misty runs off the stage::

Ok, here she comes in a love--.... Misty?!?! I know you liked that doctor, but that isn't the outfit you were suposed to wear!!! I don't care what Brock said about it, he likes anyone with a pair of legs!! Go change!!! Remember you are MISTY not NURSE JOY!!!! Do not look at me like that now go!!!!! No you can't run the newest Pokemon Center >.< NEXT!!

Oh well, now here is Mi...MINAKO!?!? No not in the MISTY FASHION SHOW!!!!!! MISTY M-I-S-T-Y...No I don't care how cute you look!!! Cuteness DOESN'T matter in the Misty Fashion show!! What?? Noooo! I'm not accusing Misty of being un-cute!! No walk right on back there, keep your mouth shut, and do not even think about trying to henshin!! I MEAN IT!! If you want your own show talk to Alicia, now go away!!!!
oh god....

Oh thank goodness Misty!!!! Here is Misty in a REGULAR outfit!! No Misty that wasn't an insult!!! I didn't mean you had bad taste when it comes to picking the wrong outfits, I just meant... No you don't have to open the pokeball!! No I don't have mine with me!!! Nuu that's OK!!!! Next outfit!!!!!!!!!!

ROUGE!?!?! Your fashion show is in the next room!!! Yes I am sure!! And the bid sign over the door? It said MISTY!!! Ok? Now go!!!! No i don't need or want to hear it, just go!!! What is this? Misty went to the Rogue show and now Rogue repays her by going to this show?? Get your shows straight! Off the stage... I mean it... SECURITY!!! ::security push her out:: Thank you good bye!!!

Here is Misty in.... All red!?!? What the F*@#???? Misty you're like a giant fire ball!!! Ok, if we were in Japan right now I think some kids would get seizures!!!! Go change into something normal! Please? I don't care if you like it because no one else does!!! YES I'm saying you have BAD taste!! Get it? Got it? Good! NEXT OUTFIT!

Misty!?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO say it ain't, so say it ain't so!!! You did what to Jessie? And then married who? Where are your pokemon!? You gave them to who?? Well what did Ash say about this? What do you mean "What does he care"? What the?! Jessie married Brock? Ad they have how many children?!?! O.O;; Is that possible?! Grr.. Oh I give up!! Get off my stage now!!! Off.. Noo that is not off... Don't come after me with Arbok!!!
::takes out a cell phone and calls Alicia::
Alicia- Mushi Mushi?? ^^
Amie- GET YOU BUTT OVER HERE!!! ::holding off Misty w/ one arm::
Alicia- ::rushes over and tranqulizes Misty::
::Misty passes out::
Amie- Yay Alicia!! You rock!
Alicia- All in a days work! ^.~

Well that was thourghly wonderful::twitch twitch:: we saw ::twitch twitch:: many lovely ::twitch:: outfits ::twitch twitch:: modeled by ::twitch twitch:: Misty!!::growl, twitch:: The order forms::twitch twitch:: are still ::twitch twitch:: over::twitch::there ----> ::twitch:: thank you::passes out::
Alicia: OMG you people killed Amie!!!!! ::runs to Amie and shakes her::
Amie: ::twitch twitch:: Is it over yet!?

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