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Sailor Neptune/Michiru Kaioh

Name(Japanese): Kaioh Michiru
Name(Dubbed): Michelle
Birthday: March 6th
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Blood Type: O
Favorite Subject: Music
Least Favorite Subject: None
Favorite Food: Sashimi
Least Favorite Food: Kikurage
Favorite Color: Marine Blue
Stone: Aquamarine
Has Trouble With: Sea Cucumbers
Talents: The violin, painting, academics, swimming
Hobbies: Collecting cosmetics
Dream: To visit Vienna, capital of music; to become a famous violinist


Deep Submerge - used in SMS, SMSS, and SMSSS. A Wave of water comes forth and crashes over an opponant.

Submarine Reflection - Used with the Aqua Mirror in SMSS and SMSSS. A big blast of bubbles come from the Aqua mirror and at the opponant.

Neptune Violin Tide - Used during the brief period Neptune was made evil in the Manga

The Three Best Things About Michiru
  • She has the cool hair!! I mean sure Ami's is blue but hers is a Aqua and it's long and wavy!
  • Do you know how hard it is to play the violin!? Especially while bouncing lemons on it!
  • She's an AWESOME swimmer ^^

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