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Welcome to Rogue's Fashion Show!! I am your hostess for the evening, Alicia! My favorite X-Men character is Rogue so I decided to invite her to come here to do a fashion show for us. All the outfits you see here are for sale over there ~~~>, So now on with the show!

Here is our lovely Rogue in her normal X-Men attire! You just gotta love the skin tight green body suit. At least it't not all skimpy and stuf.. I mean sure she has to cover up so she doesn't kill anyone by absorbing their power, but at least she's semi-modest about it ^.~... Wait a sec.. Rogue? Grr.. WAKE UP!! Don't fall asleep during my talks about you life!! Go change >.<

Here she is all wonderfully dressed up, but sadly with no where to go..Hey any guys out their free tonight?? You can take me::cough cough:: I mean Rogue out for dinner!! Yeah it'll be great, right Rogue?? ::wink wink nudge nudge::

Here she is again modeling... Wait a second, what happened to Rogue?!?! Gah! That's it whoever did this to Rogue's skin is going to pay! It's GREEN x.X; Please go back in the dressing room Rogue.. MAKE UP!! We need make up over here!!! Next!

Ok Now that that crisis is over with her is Rogue... Wait a minute! Usagi, what are you doing here? Get off the stage Usagi this is not your show!! What do you mean I don't know what I'm talking about!? Maybe YOU don't know what you're talking about!! At this rate you'll never get your own show!!!! NEXT!

Hey look at this everyone, Rogue has become fashionable!! Here she is modeling 2 wonderful creations by your's truely, doesn't she look great? She even has the Adidas shirts and everything.. Wait a second.. Weren't you supposed to be wearing Anime shirts?... What did you do with those?! No you can't keep them?? I can't believe you hid them!! Those are mine!! I want them back!!! I'll get them just you watch! Next!

Now, here she is... Rogue that is not part of your waredrobe!! Put some clothes on ::closes her eyes:: That is not appropiate attire! I have the power to cancel this show you know, now go put some clothes on! I mean it, now!! It's not The Beach Barbie Fashion Show now CHANGE!!! ::sighs::

Huh? You're not Rogue! Ack! Misty(from: Pokemon) get off the stage, this is not a Pokemon fashion Show!! Don't give me that look little lady. No, I don't care how good you look... GET OFF THE STAGE!! Put the Pokemon back in the balls and walk away quietly.... I warned you!!!
::throws a chair at Misty and she makes her Staru shoot water at Alicia::
Alicia- ::soaking wet:: Next.. ::twitch twitch::

Ack!! Who... Mamoru?..Ranma(from: Ranma 1/2)?.. What the heck!? Mamoru take off that wig right now! I don't think Usagi will appreciate this insult to her hair color! Ranma, I don't care if you can become a girl, if I've said it once, I've said it a million times, I don't care how girlish, stylish, or cute you can be... if you're not Rogue, you're NOT IN THIS FASHION SHOW!!!! Thank you ^^ now... What are you still doing on the stage?!?!? Off off off off off off.... ::pushes them off:: Next ^^

And finally, here is Rogue in her future attire, from when she is leader of her own group of X-Men later on in a comic book series...

Well that's our show Ladies and Gents, sorry for all the ahem, disruptions, hope you enjoyed the fashion show! You can still buy all the outfits you saw here over there ~~~>.... Now.... GET OFF MY STAGE!!!

Why won't you people listen to me??? OFF I SAY!!!!! That's it, I'm going home!!!

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