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Usagi/Sailor Moon

Usagi's Info:
Japanese Name: Tsukino Usagi, or Usagi Tsukino(Pronounced like this.. You-saw-gee Tskee-no, trying to say the t and the s together may be a difficult task for some, but try it anyways)
US Name: Serena
Age: 14 at the beginning of the show and 16 at the end.
Height: 4"11
Birthday: June 30th
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Likes: Eating, Videogames
Dislikes: Suprise Test in School
Hobbies: Shopping
Special Strengths: Loyal Friends
Favorite Food: Ice Cream, Peanut Butter and Jelly
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Animal: Bunny Rabbit
Favorite Subject: Music

History of the Moon:

Long ago, thousands of miles away there was a kingdom on the Moon called the Moon Kingdom(big suprise). It was ruled by the Royal Moon Family.

Queen Serenity taught her daughter, Princess Serenity, to follow in her footsteps and rule in peace. But the peace and prosperity of the moon did not last long. The evil Queen Metalia send her evil henchmen to the moon.

Princess Serenity's love, Prince Endymion from earth, went into battle for the Moon and was killed. The Princess was so striken with grief she took Endymion's sword and killed herself. Queen Serenity was so sad/mad about the tragedy, that she locked the monster away and used the powerful Silver Crystal to send Pricess Serenity, her court, Prince Endymion, and also all the evil attackers to the Earth in the future so they would have a second chance. The Queen also sent the gaurdian cats Luna and Artemis to the future with the power to reawaken the Sailor Senshi incase evil posed a threat to the Earth.

One day Usagi (a.k.a. Princess Serenity),14 at the time, was running to school and she steped on a cat. The cat was black and had a bald spot in the shape of a crescent moon on her forehead. The cat gave Usagi a strange look but Usagi couldn't stop because she was already late for school. Later, the same cat jumped through Usagi's bedroom window and told her that she was Sailor Moon(::cue for Usagi to freak out::).

The cat's name was Luna and she gave Usagi a special brooch that allowed her to transform in to the heroine Sailor Moon. At first Usagi was a huge wimp!! But as more of her fellow senshi showed up her bravery increased.

First came Sailor Mercury (a.k.a. Ami, Princess of Mercury and part of the Princess's court), Then Sailor Mars (a.k.a. Rei, Princess of Mars and part of the Princess's court), Then Sailor Jupiter (a.k.a. Makoto Princess of Jupiter and part of the Princess's court), Then last but not least Sailor Venus (a.k.a. Sailor V a.k.a.Minako, Princess of Venus and part of the Princess's court. In the manga Sailor Venus was the leader of the Sailor senshi). After all the other Senshi had been revived the Princess was revealed. To the surprise of all(except for the viewers) it was Usagi.

Tools Sailor Moon Uses:

Brooch(s): In Each season Usagi gets a different brooch which she wears on her School Uniform and her Sailor Uniform. The brooch allows he to transform into Sailor Moon by calling out different power phrases

Tiara: Sailor Moon takes the tiara off her forhead and calls out "Moon Tiara Action(Magic for you dubbers!", when she does this the tiara turns into a sort of discus with special powers able to defeat the enemy(In the manga he tiara changes forms many times before we find out she is Princess Serenity, and he uses different attacks with her other tiaras.)

Luna Pen: Usagi hold up this pen and calls out "Disguise Power, change me into ______"(in the Dub) or, "Moon power .... ni nare" (in the Japanese version) The she is able to turn into whoever she wants, such as a: Sailor, Match Maker, Doctor, Flight Attendant, etc.

Crescent Moon Wand: Give to Usagi by Luna, this wand has the ability to turn Negaverse monster back into their normal selves by romove all the dark energy from them by yelling out "Moon Healing Escalation!". Once Sailor Moon aquires the Silver Imperium Crystal she also puts that in the wand and it allows her to perform another attack from the Moon.

Moon Scepter: Given to Usagi by Queen Serenity, this allows Usagi to elimenate her enemies(usually into a pile of dust).

Transmitter: This device is disguised as a calculator, wiith it Luna(as well as the other Sailors) can get in contact with a Sailor Senshi instantly(This is later replaced by a communicator watch when the Senshi get their Star Sticks).

Moon Locket: Sailor Moon was given this star-shaped music box locket by Tuxedo Kamen during a battle. Usagi keeps this locket close to her heart.

Sailor Moon's Attacks (by season):
Sailor Moon Phrases:

Moon Prism Power, make up! (Moon Prism Power)
Usagi says this to transform into Sailor Moon. This was her first transformation and was the only one to not reveal the Moon insignia on her forehead (the one that permanently appears when she's a princess).

Moon power .... ni nare (Disguise Power, change me into _______)
Usagi says this to disguise herself with her "Luna Pen". She used this power several times in the first season, a couple times in the second season, and then she pretty much stopped using it. However, Sailor Venus once used it to disguise herself as Sailor Moon (to fool the enemy).

Moon Tiara Action (Moon Tiara Magic)
Sailor Moon says this when she turns her tiara into a discuss, and throws it at an opponent. This power Sailor Moon can use no matter what transformation she's in. Used mostly in the first season and a couple times in the R season. She uses it in both the SMR and SMS movie.

Moon Tiara Stardust
This was only used once in episode 5 (that wasn't dubbed into English). It involved her throwing her tiara like before, except it sprinkled stardust on a bunch of zombies and returned them to people.

Sailor Moon Kick!
In the original series, she shouted this when kicking someone(She says Sailor V kick in the Manga). In the dub, they just left that out (they had her say something else).

Moon Healing Escalation (Moon Healing Activation, Cosmic Moon Power, Moon Crystal Healing Power)
Sailor moon uses her cresent moon wand with this atack to heal people who turned into monsters, mostly by Zoisite. She used it to heal Tuxedo Kamen(when it had the crystal) to destroy Kunzite(Malachite), and to heal the 4 sisters.

Sailor Moon R phrases

Moon Crystal Power, make up! (Moon Crystal/Star Power!)
This was Usagi's second transformation to Sailor Moon. Her mother (Queen Serenity) gave her this transformation. in the dub they sometimes accidently said "Moon Star Power" which was kinda dumb, but it's "Moon Crystal Power." This transformation was supposedly 10 times more powerful then "Moon Prism Power."

Moon Princess Halation (Moon Scepter Elimination/Activation/Princess Elimination; they swtched what she says in the 17 recently dubbed episode for Elimination to Activation, and in the SMr dub she says Moon Princess Elimination a few times.. don't ask me why I watched that when I own the subbed one.)
She uses her Moon Scepter in this attack which was given to her by Queen Serenity. It involved Sailor Moon waving the sceptor around and creating several stars and a small crescent moons. It usually destroys the monster totally, but she used this to heal the Doom tree and it was then Reborn.

Double Sailor Kick
Same as Sailor moon kick, it was used int he manga by Sailor Moon and Venus.

Sailor Body Attack!
Again, an attack she shouted in the original series but in the dub they just had her say something else. For instance, she shouted "Sailor Body Attack" when attacking Cooan(Catsy), but in the dub she says "Showtime's over, pancake face!"

Sailor Moon S phrases:

Moon Cosmic Power, make up!
This was the third transformation Usagi used to transform to Sailor Moon. After "Moon Cosmic Power" stopped working, Usagi and Mamoru's power of love created her new brooch and let her transform again.

Moon Spiral Heart Attack
Sailor Moon says this when her heart rod generates a spiral to destroy an opponent. This attack is cool cause Sailor Moon doees this awesome spin. She used it to destroy deamons in the first half of the third season, but eventually this attack wasn't powerful enough to defeat the monsters.

Double Sailor Moon Kick
Again, the same as Sailor Moon Kick, except she does it with Sailor Chibi Moon.

Crisis, make up!
This is her double transformation, to transform into Super Sailor Moon with the holy grail. Becoming Super Sailor Moon really exhausted Usagi at first, but she soon gets used to it.

Rainbow Moon Heart Ache
This is the updated version of Moon Spiral Heart Attack that Super Sailor Moon uses, it's almost the same but more powerful and she does this other cool spin thing. Sailor Moon creates a huge heart that smashes into the monster and destroys them.

Sailor Moon SuperS phrases:

Moon Crisis, make up!
Usagi says this to transform into Super Sailor Moon (with Super Sailor Chibi Moon). Usagi couldn't transform into Super Sailor Moon anymore since the Holy Grail was destroyed, but Pegasus gave her the power to do it.

Moon Gorgeous Meditation
Super Sailor Moon says this to generate a blast from her kaleid moon scope. This attack many fans believe is the coolest, since it lets you see several views of Sailor Moon performing the attack at the same time. In the Sailor Moon SuperS movie, Super Sailor Moon performed this attack with Super Sailor Chibi Moon.

Sailor Moon Sailor Stars phrases:

Moon Eternal, make up!
Usagi says this to transform into Eternal Sailor Moon. In the beginning of the season, this power couldn't be achieved until Usagi had transformed to Super Sailor Moon, and then all the Sailors had to combine their power. Eventually Usagi creates her own brooch and transforms by herself.

Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss
Eternal Sailor Moon says this to return a monster to a human being with beams from her Eternal Moon Tiara.

Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss
This is the power that Chibi Chibi Moon granted her by updgrading her Eternal Moon Tiara. Eternal Sailor Moon still uses this to return a monster to a human, but this attack is a lot more powerful.

Sailor Moon Manga Phrases (that never appeared in the series):

Moon Frisbee
Same as Moon Tiara Action

Moon Twilight Flash
This is when moonlight shines down on Sailor Moon, and then it reflects to the enemy and destroys it. Sailor Moon used it to destroy Nephrite's shadow monster.

Silver Moon Crystal Power, make up!
This phrase is the equivalent of "Moon Eternal, make up!". It is how Usagi transforms herself into Eternal Sailor Moon in the Manga.

The Three Best Things About Usagi

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