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Sailor Venus/Minako
Sailor Venus/Minako!

Name(Japanese): Aino Minako
Name(DiC): Mina
Age: 14 at the beginning o the show 16 at the end
Blood Type: B
Birthday: October 22
Astrological Sign: Libra
Likes: Sports and Dance
Dislikes: Show-offs, Cops, and her Mom
Hobbies: Playing Games, and being a Celeb Groupie
Special Strengths: Leadership
Favorite Food: Curry and Ramen
Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms
Favorite Color(s): Yellow and Red
Favorite Animal: Birds
Favorite Subject: Gymnastics
Dream for the Future: To be Famous

Sailor Venus was the last Inner Senshi to join the group. Before that she was Sailor V fighting solo against crime in London. Artemis guided her until she met up with the other Senshi. In the manga she first appeared posing as the moon princess to protect the true princess until her memories returned, Sailor Venus is the true leader of the Inner Senshi. Also, in the Manga she lives with her mother.

Series Attacks:

Cresent Beam(Venus Cresent Beam Smash): This was Venus' first attack and it was in the form of two crescent beams that shot from her finger.

Venus Meteor Shower: Only used for a very short time in the R season before she used her star transformation, She would shout the power and energy balls would fall on the enemy from the air.

Venus Love Me Chain( Venus Love Chain Encircle): Venus learned this attack in Sailor MoonR and carried on using it in Sailor MoonS. A chain of hearts circled her and whipped the enemy or fetched stuff at a distance..

Love and Beauty Shock: Venus started to use this attack in Sailor Moon SuperS when she got her Super powers. She carried on to use it Sailor Stars. A heart appeared on her ahnd when she kissed it and then she threw it at her enemy.

Manga Attacks:

Crescent Boomerang: This was her first attack which killed Zoicite.

Crescent Beam: This attack is the same as in the anime.

Love Me Chain: This was also used in the anime but it was more useful and stronger in the manga..

Wink Chain Sword: This sword was used by all the senshi but it was pulled out by Venus. It was the weapon that she used to kill Queen Beryl.

Aku Ryo Tai San: Ok yeah, so this is Sailor Mar's attack when she uses the scrolls, but you see, one time in the manga, Rei got posessed by the spirit of love or something. Well, Rei kept trying to kiss all these girls so Sailor Venus used her Crescent Boomerang on her, that did not stop REi's possessed body, and she tried to kiss Sailor Venus. So Sailor Venus took out one of Rei's scrolls and used it on Rei!! Cool huh? Don't worry though, Rei wasn't hurt, but it did stop her from being possessed!

Rolling Heart Vibration: Venus throws this and causes great damage on the enemy.

The Three Best Things About Minako
  • The fact that Minako can never say a proverb right!
  • She is popular both as Sailor V and Sailor Venus!
  • Could you pull off wearing an oversized red bow in your hair everyday?

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