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Do You Want a Banner??

Hi everyone! This is Amie, the one and only ^.~

Are you struggling with making a banner? Or just don't have the time to make the perfect banner for your page? Your prayers have been answered! Alicia and I are here to help!

So.. How do you get one you ask? SIMPLE!! Just fill out the form below by copying and pasting it into an e-mail to Alicia and we will answer your request a.s.a.p.!!

Fill out please:
Your Name:
Your e-mail address(or the e-mail address of the person you want the banner mailed to):
Title of Homepage:
Homepage URL: http://
What character(s) from what anime(s) you want on the banner(yes we will do many other animes than Sailor Moon but be specific!):
Do you want the title of the page and the web address on the banner or just the title of the page?:
What will you be using this banner for? pick one: Banner on main page, banner in link me section, club, etc.)
What size do you want it to be X-Large, Large, Medium, Small, or Link?(choose from the example below):
Do you want it to be a transparent gif?:

Ok you're all set, just e-mail the completed form to Alicia! at and you shall have the banner in a couple of days to a week depending on how busy we are!

*Note* - UPDATE 10-10-2005: We are still making banners for anyone who asks so don't be shy with the requests!





Link Size:


Any size banner can be made as a transparent banner, you just need to specify the size from above, and then say yes where it asks if you want it to be a tranparent gif.. Remember, transparent gif banners will have no background and you will just see the background of the page itself under it, so if you want specified colors, you must say so!

Old Banners from Our Site

Sites We Have Made Banners For:

It's a great feeling seeing your work on other people's pages, thanx alot for your support!

Banners We've Made for Other Sites

P.S. Please note that not all of these are simply for Sailor moon websites, I am willing to make them from other animes and for things such as mailing lists as well!