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The Sailor Starlight's Info!

Well first of all, here is a little bit of background info on the Starlights: The Sailor Starlights come in Sailor Moon Sailor Stars. They are on Earth in search for their lost princess: Princess Fireball (who gets killed eventually anyways, in case you are wondering). Galaxia is their enemy because she apparently destroyed their planet before. To help them find the Princess faster, they pose as 3 idol singers in a rock band known as the Three lights(Somehow, no one realizes who they are...But um, they are really popular none the less). When Seiya(Star Fighter), Yaten(Star Healer), and Taiki(Star Maker)transform into Sailor Starlights, they DO actually turn from being guys to being girls in their senshi form. So don't be confused! Now, if we refer to them by their Starlight names, we are talking about the girls. If we refer to them by their original names, we are talking about the guys!

Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter

Japanese Name: Kou Seiya
Meaning of Name: Light of the starry night
Birthdate: July 30
Astrological sign:Leo
Blood Type: A
Favorite Food: Hamburgers
Favorite Subject: P.E.
Least Favorite Subject: Literature
Clubs Joined: American Football Club
Hobbies: American Football
Has Trouble with: Girls
Japanese Voice: Niiyama Shiko

Attacks and Henshin:
Fighter Star Power, Make up! Seiya uses a microphone with a wing design or something he wears by his ear (It's like one of those headset microphones). And yes, he aquires a feminine body.

Star Serious Laser!
Like its name, she shoots a group/ring of stars in the form of a laser beam.

The Three Best Things About Seiya(Not Star Fighter)

Yaten/Sailor Star Healer

Japanese Name: Kou Yaten
Meaning of Name: Light of the night sky
Birthdate: Febuary 8
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Blood Type: B
Favorite Food: Caviar
Favorite Subject: Art
Least Favorite Subject: P.E.
Clubs Joined: Homecoming Club
Hobbies: Cameras
Has Trouble with: Physical Exertion(He doesn't like getting sweaty and stuff.)
Japanese Voice: Sakamoto Ohiha

Attacks and Henshin:
Healer Star Power, Make up!
Like the other two, he has a mini-ear microphone which he calls into and he transforms.
Star Sensitive Inferno!
Sailor Star Healer has a flashing star (really quickly) that zaps her victims with a type of electricity or something. It actually generates an insane burning that cause great pain.

The Three Best Things About Yaten(not Star Healer)

Taiki/Sailor Star Maker

Japanese Name: Kou Taiki
Meaning of Name: Light of the big air
Birthdate: May 30
Astrological Sign: Gemini
Blood Type: AB
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Subject: Literature
Least Favorite Subject: none
Clubs Joined: Liturary
Hobbies: Reciting Poetry
Has Trouble with: Arguments
Japanese Voice: Tsunoda Narumi

Attacks and Henshin:
Maker Star Power, Make up!
Like the others, Taiki also has his mini-ear microphone to transform and he too becomes female.

Star Gentle Uterus!
She makes(hence.. Maker) a star, turns around a couple of times and then tosses it an opponent.

The Three Best Things About Taiki(not Star Maker)
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