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Chibi Chibi/Sailor Chibi Chibi

Japanese Name: Chibi-Chibi
Age: About 2
Birthday: Unknown
Blood Type: O
Favorite Color: Red and blue
Hobby: Unknown
Favorite Food: Doughnuts
Least Favourite Food: None
Favorite Subject: Doesn't go to school at 2 o.O;
Has Trouble With: Unknown
Strong Point: Getting out of trouble
Dream: Unknown
Favorite Gem Stone: Diamond

Chibi Chibi appears to Usagi and apparently can only say the words "Chibi Chibi". Rei originally thinks that Chibi Chibi could be Neo Queen Serenity's and Prince Endymion's second child, but later drops this idea. Chibi Chibi(much like Chibi-usa)sleeps in Usagi's room with her. As the show progresses though, Chibi Chibi begins to imitate Usagi while she speaks and learns to speak Japanese, maybe not perfectly but come on she's a little girl.

In the manga Chibi Chibi is Usagi's former, more pure self, Sailor Cosmos. In the Anime, she is Galaxia's star seed, which she released into space when she lets Chaos take over her body. In episode 200, Chibi Chibi becomes the light of Hope. She revives Usagi and talks to her, giving her the courage to fight and free Galaxia from Chaos.


Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss- This is not an attack but it is an attack that she gives to Sailor moon after powering her up.

She also revives Sailor moon in episode 200 and gives her a sword to fight with.

The Three Best Things About Chibi Chibi
  • She's SOO Adorable!
  • She's very beautiful when she grows up
  • Could your fit your hair in Odango's when you were like 3?!
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