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Hello and welcome! I am you hostess for this evening, Amie! You all know where the order forms are so enjoy the very first Come As You Please Fashion Show!! This time I know that we will not have any problems with people coming out of costume.... Because we don't care what they wear, as long as the do wear something ::cough:: Chibi-Usa ::cough::. So please enjoy the show!

Amie: Here is Hotaru in a lovely form fitting black outfit... The color which she always wears e.e.... You know Hotaru, there are OTHER colors in the world. I don't care if you're a senshi of Destruction, I mean I'm sure the Grim Reaper dresses in pink once in a while! What are you giving me that look for?! Wait where are you going?!?!? Don't roll your eyes at me young lady!! Next >.<

Here's Cammy(from: the Street Fighter video games) in.... a back outfit. She is trying to be tough with those shades and her...Black outfit. Oh so you like this color too, huh? You know that your shades make you kinda look like a man o.x; What the?! Hey! Don't try to kick me just because I commented on your outfit!!! Oww!!!! NEXT!!!

This is Nanami(from: Revolutionary Girl Utena). She's also is wearing a black outfit... I guess the models will be mad that they all picked the same color..*snickers* What? No, Nanami, I don't think black isn't your color... Yeah, it suits you! Of course I'm being sincere!!!!!!! Yes I am! *Watches Nanami storm off the stage* That's it, Nanami!! Get off my stage!

*pulls out a cell phone and calls Alicia*

Alicia - Heeeellllooo? What's going on, how's the fashion show going?

Amie - Alicia! Quick, did someone we know pass away?! We don't have any funeral attire fashion shows planned, do we??

Alicia - *munches on an ice cream cone* Not that I know of.. Is everything ok over there?

Amie- .....Yes... Everything is finnne, I'll call you later *hangs up the phone* NEEEEEXXXXXTTT!

Hello? Are you lost? Oh I see, so you're in the fashion show? And what is your name?? Ok... You don't have one?? Is there a certain reason you had to come out in a BLACK OUTFIT!! What the?!? She flipped me off >.< That's it you... You... Some girl!! I no longer like black and I no longer like you!!! And that shirt is tacky! Yes, that is what I think!!! SECURITY!! Take... This... Girl away from here!! She angers the blood! NEXT!!!

Here is someone that we know and love.. Mimi (from: Digimon), and she's in a stunning... Black outfit.. Cause you know.. Black is IN! And we all LOVE black!!! That's it!! I have no patience for you.... Amateurs!!!! GET OFF MY STAGE!!! NEXT!!!

Hey look Chibi Chibi came by for a visit! And she is stunning in.... Black? Is there no hope?!?! Chibi Chibi you failed me! Nooo... I'm not saying you're outfit is bad. Of course you look cute! But... Black?? >/ Ok fine leave! But if you decide to come back... Change!!! Next!

It's Anthy(from: Revolutionary Girl Utena) and she's in a black outfit too???
All right! Did the world switch April Fool's Day and forget to tell me?? Sure, sure, I like your outfit Anthy just not the color! NEXT!!!!!!!

A..Ami, I have just had the surprise of my life!! You're in black too!!! Why couldn't you have saved us from this Black misery? I betcha can't guess the color I hate most Ami! Betcha can't!! ::Glare:: Get off my stage.

*redials Alicia's phone and sobs* Leaaaaasssshhhhyyyy

Alicia - Ne? What's going on??

Amie - The models are turning against meeee!! You have to come down here!!!!!

Alicia - Ok give me a bit, I'm shopping! ^^ *turns off her phone*

Amie - *sighs* These shows will be the death of me...Neeeeext...

Here is Umi(from: Magic Knights Rayearth) in... Black.... You know this is getting old.. What the heck are you wearing anyway?! And poor Makona! He doesn't need to see that, uck...I love ya Umi, but you gotta go!! NEXT!!

Kigome, you too?! Ok let me just think this through....I've got it! I think I'm seeing a pattern here!! Each of these models has had black tights on, and a skirt!!! That's it!! I've figured it out!! You all switched the name of the fashion show on me to: "The Black Skirts and Tights Fashion Show"!! Phew, you had me going there, I'm glad I've figured that one out.. I feel so much better! ^-^ *squee* You know that really is a cute skirt Kagome, you should consider another color though, you all look so dreary. Ok off you go! Send out the next skirts and tights modddddeeeel!!

Amie- Wait a second... Shampoo(from: Ranma 1/2) you... You're not in black tights or a skirt?... B..But I had it all figured out! It had to be right. How could I be wrong?!?!? This... This isn't fair!!!! You did this to spite me! That's it off my stage! Don't even think about trying to beat me up cause I'll have you outta here quicker than you can say "Ranma"!!!!

Shampoon- Ranma?! WHERE???

Amie- OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! *presses a button and Shampoo falls through the floor to where the security hangs out* Teehee.. Next!

Amie- Here is Rei...In....Black!!! NOT BLACK!!! NOT AGAIN!!! NO MORE BLACK!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH ::Runs out of the auditorium to find Alicia::

Alicia- Hey!! The fashion show over already? Look I bought you this cute top! *pulls out an uber cute black shirt*

Amie- Alicia!!! It's a conspiracy!!! They are all in Black!! Oh my gosh yoou tooo! I'm going crazy!!!!

Alicia- I'm sure they aren't all in black... Did you even finish the show?

Amie- Not exactly...

Alicia- *Sighs and drags Amie back into the auditorium* Next?

Usagi- Um.. Am I late?

Alicia- Amie you lied >/ Making me come over here for nothing...

Amie- Usagi!!!! How dare you come now after all that has happened in, WHITE!!! I'M GONNA HURT YOU!!! *jumps at Usagi who runs away* Grr.. *chases her*

Alicia- Um.. Amie is a little tied up at the moment, but That's our show o.o; Hope you had a good time? Come back later for more fash.... Oh my gosh don't KILL the models!!!!

*Amie's voice is heard at a distance yelling out: "Death to all of the black outfits!! I'm gonna burn you!!!"* *match being lit is heard*

Alicia- Ok.... Bye!!! *runs off* Let go of her hair! Do you want to get sued?!?!

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