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*NOTE* fuku: Means a senshi suit, like Sailor Moon's body suit, would be her fuku.

Hi everyone and welcome to the Sailor Moon Impostors Fashion Show! I am your host for the evening Alicia ^^. If you would like to buy any outfits you see tonight, order forms are over there <~~~~. I hope that since this is a fashion show for not only one person there will not be any problems with interruptions tonight. Thank you and on with the show!

To start off our show, here is the wonderful Chun Li (from Street Fighter) and look how cute she is in her lil fuku... But I think Chun Li will be happier when she gets outta this outfit, Thank you Chun Li, Next!

Well, here is a change, Jane Lane (from MTV's Daria) in a fuku. Doesn't she look great? If only we could get Daria here.. Hehe Blackmail!!!! Oh.. opps was that outloud.. Next o.o;;

Here is.... Sailor Moon? Usagi get out of here!!! Do not think that just because you are wearing Chibi Moon's fuku and you hid your odangos, that you can just sneak in here without notice!!! Get off the stage you're giving me a headache! And wipe that smirk off your face! NEXT!!!!!

Well, here is a treat! Two Senshi impostors..... Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury. Of course, this is /NOT/ a Sailor MERCURY impostor show, but why should we be offended that we spent all this time to make sure this is a Sailor MOON fashion show and a Sailor MERCURY impostor comes in!!!! We shouldn't!!! ::security come and take the two off the stage before Alicia has another nervous break down::.. Thank you, come again... Next!

Aww here is little Mokona(from Magic Knight Rayearth[Thanx K-chan])! Lookie how cute Mokona is in the tiny fuku!! You look great! Finally someone who knows what they are doing!!!Next ^.~

Oh! Look it's Sailor Pluto!! Doesn't she look Terrific as Sailor Moon!? I think so anyway! Puu? What? Nuu I did not just tell you to kill Usagi and take over the show!! No, Puu that is not what I meant!!! you stop it right now or you'll be in trouble Little Lady!! What do you mean I'm the little one!?!? That's it you're gonna get... Err.. n/m I'm not going to lose my temper, not today, not with Pluto.. Next please...

And here we see Quinn (also from MTV's Daria). OK Quinn, you're not exactly wearing a fuku, but hey you have a Sailor Moon shirt and we MUST stay fashionable, even at the risk of Alicia's sanity, correct? What? Don't give me that weird look.. OK, fine bye!! Next!

Miaka!!! Hi Miaka!! Remember Me!? No sorry this time you cannot take over the show ;-; sorry. But, Miaka I think you misunderstood the assignment! This is for Sailor MOON impostors, not Sailor VENUS impostors. Nuu! I'm not calling you wrong! I just think you're mistaking!!! No, Miaka don't walk away!!! ;.; next..

Here is Sailor Uranus/Haruka dressed in a lovely Eternal Sailor Moon fuku, and she looks wonderful! Here is Another person who did actually understand the assignment! Thank you Haruka! Next ^^;

Who?? Who the heck are you!? And why are you on my stage!? No, this is not show off your blue dress day, come back later... Much later... In fact, don't come back at all! NEXT!

Awesome! Here is DeDe (from Dexter's Laboratory), and for once she is actually in the show! Doesn't she look absolutely great!? The hair!, the earrings, the boots! She's got it all! Thank you DeDe, next ^.^

Why hello there, don't you look cute. But, although miss, you are wearing a somewhat Sailor Moon looking fuku, you still look very much like Sailor Venus than Moon and I... What was that? You.... Ehh... -.-; Nuu this is not the Drive Thru McDonalds... I am trying to conduct a fashion show here get of my stage... I said Go! GET OFF!!!!! ::throws a microphone at the girl and she runs away::... Next!

::Now holding a new microphone:: Now here is Makoto in a lovely... Mako-chan!!! what did you do!? You know that this is not part of your wardrobe!! Go change!!! You heard me, get going! Now!! Fine, be that way! But you're never invited to one of my fashion shows again! Next!!!!

Last but not least here is... Super Sailor Moon!? Where is Misty? She was supposed to go now!!! You what? Tied her up? How dare you! This is not your fashion show!! How dare you do that to one of my models!! This is NOT COOL!!!! Get off my stage, you've ruined my show! There are supposed to be your impostors, not YOU IN PERSON!!! Gosh you're denser than the actual Moon!! Eh.. What? no I didn't say anything.... Don't give me that look!!! AHH!! Help she's attacking me!! No stop hitting me!!! ::wails:: SECURITY!!!!! STOP HER!!!!

::limps over all bruised:: Sorry for the disruptions folks.. the order forms are still over ::points:: there <~~~~. Now get off my stage before Amie and I beat down on all your butts!!!!! We are so lucky, to have such cooperative models -.-; ::sobs and limps away::

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