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Please note that it is suggested (not required) that you have viewed The Sailor Moon Impostor Show #1 first ^^

Hello everyone, and welcome to The Sailor Moon Impostors Fashion Show #2! I am your hostess, Alicia. All order forms are over there <~~~, as always (*note* for anyone who hasn't figured it out yet there are no real order forms) so pick them up if your interested. This is a Sailor Moon impostor show, which means you will see all impostor Sailor Moon outfits (they can be Sailor Moon, Princess Serenity, or Usagi's school uniform), so now on with the show!!

First off we have Belldandy (from: Oh My Goddess) and she did her job and came in the correct outfit, yatta! Doesn't she look cute? You'd almost think she's worn that fuku all her life! Oh, but Belldandy, you look almost as if you're going to cry, is the skirt too short? Maybe the outfit's too tight..Did you gain weight?! Gah! Wait, where are you going?! What'd I say?! Uhh... Next?

Aww, How cute! Next we have Luna in her human form, dressed as Princess Serenity! Of course, I don't know how exactly she got into her human form, since she only does it in the SMS movie (because of Sailor Moon's wish and stuff)... What'd you say? You forced her to let you?! Naughty Neko-chan!!! Go apologize right now!!! You heard me, GO! No, I don't wanna hear it... NO!! NEXT!!

Next we have Rei in.... Wait Buttercup (from: Cartoon Network's Power Puff Girls)?! Where the heck did you come from?! Where is Rei??? She quit?!? Why? She wanted her own fashion show?!? But she already had one!!!!! Wait.. I think you're hiding something, Rei-chan would never refuse being a guest... What have you done?!?!?! Don't give me that look young lady!! Hey I'm talking to you! What are you doing?! Hey...Hey.....HEY!!!!!! ::board falls on Alicia's head and she falls over::

Amie- ::Runs in:: Security!!!!!!

::Security come and take Buttercup away and go to throw her in a closet, but Rei falls out all tied up::

Amie- BUTTERCUP! >.<

Buttercup- ::gets outta the security's grasp and flies away::

Amie- Please hold while Alicia regains conciousness...

::A couple minutes later::

Alicia- Kobanwa!! We're back.... Heh and now for the next model!

(Heero from Gundam Wing)

O.O; Now that's just wrong....You'd think he would have learned by now...Next...

What the heck?!?! Chibi-usa!! This is not one of those Nude hentai shows!!!! NO holding a doll of Sailor Moon DOESN'T count!!! How dare you not come out in your Sailor Moon fuku!!! What? I don't care if you had an urge to strip and run out here! We don't wanna see it....EVER! Go put some clothes on! Now!!! Stop prancing around the stage like that!! ::closes her eyes:: Get off I said! Security!!!! ::security pulls Chibi-Usa away kicking and crying:: NEXT!!!!!!!

WAI WAI WAI!! Ryo-Ohki (from: Tenchi Muyo)!! You crashed our fashion show =D And is that a flower for me? Sugoi!!.... Wait!..I mean... Bad Ryo-Ohki no cabbits are supposed to be in this show.. And anyway that's not even Sailor Moon's fuku, its Sailor Mercury's!! Get your facts straight! Aww, no..Don't cry ;-; you're a kawaii cabbit anyway! Huh? You say Sasami (A character from Tenchi Muyo) put you up to this?! That's it I'm going to have to have a chat with that girl! But don't worry Ryo-Ohki, you'll be safe ^.~ Next!!!

Huh? Utena?? (from: Revolutionary Girl Utena) I didn't invite you to this fashion show >.<... No don't try giving me a flower to make up for it! It may have worked for Ryo-Ohki, but not for you! It's too old now! Where is your uniform anyway? What would Anthy say??? Trying to dress all cool...Yeah you heard me!! Ack!! Hey stop hitting me!! No, that rose has thorns, stop!! Stop it!! NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!

G....Galaxia?? You're not supposed to be here either?! What do you people think this is?! A free for all fashion show? Well, it's not!!!!!!! At least you put some effort into your outfit.. Unlike some people... ::coughutenacough::

Utena- ::runs back on with a bunch of roses with thorns and chases after Alicia::

Alicia- ::Pulls out a hand pocket knife:: One more step and your skirt gets it!!!

Utena- ::runs off in fear::

Alicia- AS I was saying before I was so RUDELY interrupted... Galaxia I don't think..... What was that? YOU should have been the main character of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon? I don't think Naoko would have liked that idea too much.. No, I'm not saying you're not pretty enough, but..... Uh... Heh.. I'll just say next now before I get in any deeper trouble.... Next!

Next we have Skuld (also from: Oh My Goddess). She's here sporting her awesome Usagi uniform (made by Amie and myself ^.~) and look she even did her hair for the part! Wait a minute... Excuse me, but Skuld that isn't the outfit that you were supposed to come out in... That's Minako's uniform! Not Usagi's.. What did you do with your real costume? What do you mean you gave it away?! You thought this one was cuter?! I don't care what you thought, it wasn't what your were SUPPOSED to wear!!!! That's it!! OFF MY STAGE!!!! Don't smile at me young lady... OFF!!!!!!!!!!! ::sighs::...Next...

Now we have..What the...??? You again?! What is it with you and crashing our fashion shows?! Who are you anyway?!?!? You better start talking missy, and I mean soon!!! Hey come back here!! You can't walk away from me! Grr....... Next!!

Next we have Urd (Once again from Oh My Goddess)!!! ::breathes a sigh of relief:: Wow.. Urd if there was anyone I thought would mess this up, I was SURE it'd be you!!! And look you proved me wrong by doing good and coming out in the correct fuku and everything! I'm proud of you Urd, I guess you're not a screw up after all ^^... What?! What'd I say?!?!? Why are you giving me that look?!?!? What did I say? Hey what are you....NO!!!!!!!!!!!!
::ducks behind something as Urd blows up pretty much the whole stage::
::stands back up as random debris falls in front of her and she starts to bawl:: Gomen nasai Urd-san.. Demo, you didn't have to blow up my stage!!

Well, ::sniffles:: I guess that is our show.. Since we pretty much have no stage left ;-; If only Usagi could have been here to see her lovely..AND UNCOOPERATIVE!!!!! Impostors.. It could have made this experience, all the more.... JOYOUS >.<

W..what???U..Usagi-chan?! How did this happen?!?!?! Which one of those Jealous freaks did this to you?! It was Duo wasn't it?! He doesn't think he got enough stage time >/ ::runs off angerly to find the models::

Amie- ::runs out:: Um.. What she meant to say was... Have a nice day and thanx for coming to the fashion show!!! Sorry about the technical difficulties and hope you had a great time..... Bye!!!! o.x;; ::runs off to stop Alicia before she hurts somebody::

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