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Hi everyone! I'm you're host for the evening, Amie! This is the Makoto Kino fashion show! All Mako all the time.. Well we can only hope all that others stay put this time!..You know who you are >/.. The order forms are in the usual place, so sit back and watch the mayham!!

Ok here comes Makoto in her first outfit, sleek and SEXY!!!! Now I didn't make these clothes...If I had.. half these outfits would be ALOT more modest! She's only a teenager dang it! But..I'm just talking and soo...No Mako I wasn't checking you out!!! No when I said 'SEXY' I meant the outfit not you!! No I do think that you are pretty, but not in THAT way really! No I do not mean that! Eww.. Nuu keep the dress on u.u;; NEXT!!!

Amie- Here is M-- ChibiChibi!?? Why are you here?
Chibi Chibi- Chibichibi
Amie- Where's Usagi?
Chibi Chibi- Chibichibi
Amie- Does SHE know your here???
Chibi Chibi- Chibichibi
Amie-How did you get here?!?!
Chibi Chibi- Chibichibi
Amie- Gah! What's the use of talking to me if you only say chibichibi?!?!
Chibi Chibi- Chibichibi
Amie- Does anyone know what the heck she is saying?! that's it..GET OFF MY STAGE!!!

Now here is Mako! She is wearing a lovely two piece green bikini!!! We ALL know that Mako loves green and wears it everyday!! We all also want her to wear a new color but she won't because she is stuck on green!! Cause Green is her FAVORITE color so she feels she MUST wear it EVERY day nonstop o.o; So we all must deal-- No Mako green is FINE..Ahem, if you want to wear it everyday::cough cough::.. NEXT!!

Ok you're not Mako either! Where did she go!? You don't know but you want to save the world? Uh, ok so you say Flower Power all the way? Oh and down with Authority too? Yeah.. I understand o.O; Umm... Ok we all have our opinions! Yes we do...and my opinion is that if you don't get off my stage you DIE!! Well not exactly die... So what if it isn't really an opinion?!?! SECURITY!! ::watches as they drag the hippy of the stage::

Uh..Ok So you decide to not where what you are supposed to and you come out in this? Ok, so you say that the other outfit would have made you look clownlike and stupid? Alright so, flares and an AE shirt are now "Clownlike and stupid?" I think we need to have a talk!! And why ae you holding your henshin pen?? Oh Yeah that's a GREAT way to hide you identity! NEXT!!!!!

An here is Usagi??? No thats not her! Hey don't I know you?? DeDe(from: Carton Network's Dexter's Lab.)??? What are you doing her? You're not even Anime!!! Get off my stage!! No DON'T PRESS THAT BUTTON!!!!!!! ::Amie falls through floor with a big crash::
::she soon climbs back up and kicks DeDe out::.....::twitch twitch:: next....

Who is that? Usagi? USAGI???? WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOURSELF!?!?!?! Now don't you dare think you can fool me Miss!!! You always crash these ::words blocked cause of graphic content:: things now go!!! Get off my ::words blocked because of graphic content:: stage!!! Mako get your green loving butt out here!!!!!! NOW!!!

Here is Mako (finally) wearing one of the StarLight's outfit recreations madde by Alicia, and it fits her very well! What do you mean? THAT'S THE ORIGINAL OUTFIT??? WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?!?! Who's was it!? Gah! Taiki's outfit? O.O;;;.....Ok you be a good girl and go return that and come out with the next one, ok?? OK????? ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!?!

And now we have Makoto wearing a snappy outfit!! Yatta! This may not be in the line up for outfits but ya know it's still nice I guess...::mumbles::Better than her trying to be Taiki.. I mean.. What? You want to be a fashion designer...::mumbles::With your tastes that won't work out too well..I mean.. Oh! So You wanted to display some work, did you? Oh, and you WHAT?!? Want to take over all the Fashion shows!?!?!?!?!? That's it stop talking... No I said stop... STOP!!!! ::plugs ears with fingers:: I'M NOT LISTENING LALALALALALA.......

Here is Mako again in.....Green! Do you own another color!? I mean this isn't even in your line up.. And it's not anything I..or probably anyone else in the world.. would ever wear! What Makoto? You want to do what to my insulting-green-butt? REALLY??? REALLY REALLY REALLY? Next outfit or you'll be fired...Teehee..

::twitch:: Ok?...Team Rocket... So you're gonna steal all the outfits?.. Lovely o.o; ::pushes a button and watches them fall down a big hole:: Good Thing DeDe found this!!Ahem.. Makoto where were you?? You're fired!!

THATS OUR SHOW.............................. NOW GO HOME!!!...... I mean NOW!!!! Boy, I need some coffee o.o;...... GOOOOOOOOOO!!

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Amie- What are you still doing here?!?! GO >.<