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Aerosmith: Aerosmith

Yet another one that belonged to my dear mommy, like to Alice Cooper album, I was very excited to find this one at first. My excitement soon diminished as I actually listened to the record. To me, this album is basically the traditional rock that was common in the 70's, with the exception that it's a harder, heavier album. And, for a first album, it is fairly strong. In that respect, I guess it sounded fresh and whatever else back then, but listening to it now compared to some of the stuff that Aerosmith has done since (NO not that crappy Armageddon song- that's just awful), it's nothing fantastic and doesn't really hit anything powerful inside of me. I also found Steven Tyler's voice to be a shocker- it's quite different now. Side 1 gets pretty monotonous pretty fast, even "Dream On", which really is a good song but too long to stand after awhile. "One Way Street" (the last track on side1) does pick up a little bit; it's a good rocking song with a nice opening. Side 2 follows suit but it too, gets boring after time. There really isn't much distinguishible variation between the songs.