April 2002

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Concerts, April 2002

Dead Blue Hand with the Flour City Knuckleheads and the Razzles at Mercury, April 20, 2002

I don't remember much about this show, and I'm sorry. I went to Buffalo the nite before, and I'm not even going to attempt to recall that one... this was the second or third of the "let's party" weekends- all I remember is that I didn't get to sleep till after 5 am Friday and the Saturday of the Mercury show; far be it from me to deny free alcohol... So, let's try to review this baby.

The Knuckleheads were up first with a brief, explosive set that was carried out and performed well. We had the energetic sounds of 911, Sarah's Nite Off, Saturday Nite, 25 Years, Old School and others paired with flashy guitar antics and dirty jokes courtsey of Brendan... ha ha. Unlike some of the local punk selections and bands, the Knuckleheads perform the tunes without losing what they're trying to achieve, and they actually sound somewhat (gasp) melodic as well. While they still don't play out as much as some of the other acts around town, the Knuckleheads are worthy of checking out so you to can unleash that inner punk that's hiding inside.

Buffalo's Razzles followed. Unfortunately, even though the Razzles sounded good- a mixture of power-pop elements and a bit of a harder edge, I didn't get to fully experience them. Sorry.
Last up were Dead Blue Hand, the band that Heavy Kevvy formed right around the time that the Runs became no more. They had a harder, punkier sound that fit in more with the Knuckleheads- in fact, it was Kevvy who asked them to do the show- and I didn't think that they were too bad. The set seemed fairly together and whatnot, and I liked some of the songs; of course I'm not remembering any of them. I hadn't seen them before, and I wish I could've given them a bit more of my attention instead of sitting at a table with my back to them, but unfortunately, I couldn't. Maybe next time, boys.